Chapter 2: The Plan

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(POV James) (it's the next day)

I was walking through the forest with Ruby since Matt had gone to vale to get his friend, we kept walking until we reached the entrance, I used my earth bending to open the cave letting Ruby and I in, once we walked in I closed it right behind us, we walked to the castle and entered, we walked into the throne room to see Lord Silver sitting on his throne reading a book

James: morning sir

Lord Silver looked up at me and closed his book

Lord Silver: ahh James it's good to see you again, and it's good to see you as well Ruby, shall we start training?

James: we should probably wait until Matt and his friend arrive, speaking of which I should probably go outside and wait for them

I quickly ran out the castle and through the cave, I opened the entrance and walked outside, I closed it behind me and looked around, I closed my eyes and use my seismic sense (yes he can do that) to scan the area and I could see two people walking in my direction, one I recognised as Matt and the other is probably his friend, I opened my eyes and looked in there direction, after a few seconds they both came out of the trees and walked to me and I could see Matt's friend (I think you all know who it is)

James: glad to see you both arrived, let's head inside

(POV Change Lord Silver)

I was sitting on my throne just looking at Ruby, I'm fascinated on why she was born with the silver eyes since mine were a gift, we both stayed silent until the sounds of footsteps approaching caught my attention, I looked towards the sound and saw James and Matt with someone I'd never seen before, his clothing was weird, he had holes in his pants his shirt had spikes on it and he was wearing a weird mask (you know who it is)

Matt: Lord Silver, meet Wrench

Wrench: it's nice to meet ya man, great place you got here, however it could use some technology

Matt: that's why I wanted you here, you owe me remember

Wrench: yeah yeah I know, should we get started?

Lord Silver: first off, it's nice to meet you umm, Wrench was it?

Wrench: Yep that's right, I like keeping my real name a secret

Lord Silver: understandable, so how can you help us?

Wrench: well Matt told me your plan of rescuing the faunus from the dust mine and I must say, well done and he also told me that you need some serious equipment, I'm thinking rail-guns, rifles, shotguns, explosives, a tank, a mech suit and maybe a bullhead

Lord Silver: I don't know what any of that is

Wrench: right right the whole 'asleep for 1000 years thing', umm okay well first off, I'm gonna need some guys to help me bring back my equipment

Lord Silver: James and Matt can help you, I'll also send Damien and Kyle too

Wrench: I'm gonna need more then four guys to help me

Lord Silver: fine, take whoever you need with you, but you'll need to travel underground so that no one gets suspicious...James

James: on it sir, I'll open a tunnel through the cave

Lord Silver: Matt go with Wrench and get him as many men as he needs

Matt: you got it

The three boys then left the throne room so now it was just me and Ruby

Ruby: so...should we start training?

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now