Chapter 10: Eye for an Eye

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(POV Mercury)

(Monday 4pm)

(Location: Vale Docks)

Cinder, Roman, Neo, Emerald and I all sat around a table in one of our old bases. We currently weren't alone as about twenty ex white fang members- who now serve under 'Dedsec' -all began unpacking and packing crates. Before we got here a ton of weapons were stored in here, now they are all being sent somewhere to be repaired or remade, I can't remember what Wrench said, all I do know is that Cinder didn't have a look of happiness, as her status now meant nothing, I looked around while waiting and saw Lena standing at the back door, wearing her now fixed cloak, she looked around confused about what is going on, her and I made eye contact, so she quickly walked over and ducked next to me.

"What's going on?" She asked quietly.

"We are under new management," I replied, Cinder slammed her hand on the table, nearly cracking it while also gaining the attention of some of the soldiers.

"So who's managing us?" She asked while emphasizing the word managing.

"Someone who we have bad history with," Roman said, and just like some sort of calling, here came Wrench walking around a corner, holding a clipboard and a pen.

"Right, we need to pick up the pace people, we've got people to arm," Wrench said, he looked up and stopped like a deer in headlights, his attention focused on Lena and hers on his.

"Babe-" I said, but in a split second, she was standing in front of Wrench, with a blade to his throat, seeing that the soldiers all grabbed their weapons and aimed them at Lena.

"Good to see you too Lena," Wrench said, his hands stuck to his clipboard.

"Lena don't," Cinder called out, Lena hesitated before her blade vanished.

"Why is he here?" Lena asked.

"Like your boyfriend said, under new management," Roman said, leaning a bit further back on his chair, Lena turned back to us, a look of shock washed over her and I think a hint of anger too.

"There is no way he is leading us," Lena said, pointing at his face, Wrench slapped her hand away, causing her to look back at him.

"You're right, I'm not leading you, I'm leading them," Wrench said, point to all the faunus currently aiming all types of weapons at Lena.

"You can put the guns down, the girl can freeze time, your bullets mean nothing, but I appreciate the thought," Wrench said, all of them immediately either holstering their guns or putting them in the crates.

"I'm not being on the same side as him," Lena said.

"Fine there's the door," Wrench said, pointing to the same door Lena entered through.

"Do you just attract enemies Wrench," A voice called out, looking around, I saw the same man who confronted us a few days ago, standing up high on the metal walkway, he wearing the same outfit like before, he jumped over the railing and landed on the ground, he stood up tall and Wrench had a more relaxed posture now.

"Sir," Wrench said, but the guy was focused on Lena, his face was emotionless for a good few seconds before a grin formed on his face.

"You're the girl from the train, I must say you did a fine job," He said.

"Trying to get a rise out of me too?" Lena asked.

"No I wanted to say well done, you managed to take down one of my best swordsmen, if I hadn't swooped in, he would be dead," He said, Lena taken aback, rarely does she get praised from someone who isn't me.

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now