Chapter 9: New Teammates and Base

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(POV Lena)(Friday 9pm)

As I walked down the street, holding a bag which contained the burnt cloak, I kept thinking of that fight, the bastard who did this won't get away with it, I finally stopped in front of a place called Soft Hands, it's a store that makes and repairs clothing, when I opened the door, the sound of the bell rung in my ears, I closed the door and stood at the counter.

"Just a moment, please," The owner's voice called from the other room, the door opened as the man walked out.

"You'll have to come back to-" The owner said, stopping once he saw me, Michael is his name, a sweet eighty year old man, he's fixed up my cloak a few times from when it's damaged thanks to a mission, he's the only person apart from Mercury who I trust.

"Oh Lena, what seems to be the issue this time," Michael asked. I pulled the cloak out of the bag and laid it on the counter for him to inspect.

"Oh dear me, what happened?" He asked.

"I got into a fight, the guy threw fire at me." I replied, he knows some of what I do, just not who for.

"Oh you youngsters, always getting into trouble, this could take a few hours to fix and I was just about to close," He told me, I sighed and began to grab it.

"I'll come back tomorrow then," I said, but Michael grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"I didn't say I wouldn't do it," He told me, giving me the usual caring look.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, he nodded and grabbed the cloak out of my hands.

"Of course, though, could you be a dear and flip the sign and lock the door for me," He said, I nodded and walked over to do as he asked.

"Also, feel free to come and sit by the fire since it's raining," He yelled from outback, I looked out the window and noticed it had begun to rain hard. I walked behind the counter and out the back, sitting on a chair near the fireplace.

"Help yourself to any snacks or drinks," Michael offered, "Oum knows I don't like that stuff," He finished, he's been the closest I've had to a father figure in the short time I've known him.

I laid back and closed my eyes, still thinking about the fight.

(POV Mercury)(Location-Abandoned Warehouse, Vale Dock)

Emerald, Roman, Neo and I all sat at the table as we waited for Cinder, who had just messaged all of us to meet. I went back and continued to read my comics after a while of sitting, after a few more minutes Cinder walked through the door, slamming it behind her, 'this can't be good'.

"You better have a reason for calling me so late," She stormed in angrily, however me and the others gave each other a confused look.

"Umm, you called us here, right Cinder?" Emerald said, Cinder just looked even angrier being told that.

"I am in no mood for jokes, so help me in Oums name I will hurt you," Cinder said, we could see fire in her eyes.

"The kid is being serious, we all got a message from you to come ASAP," Roman replied, Cinder now turning her attention to him.

"Roman. I swear," She threatened, I put my comic down and pulled out my scroll getting the message on screen and slid it over to her, she grabbed it and looked, going from angry to confused.

"No. This can't be, I got a message from Roman saying to come here," Cinder said, looking puzzled. All of us stood and looked around.

"Who did this," Cinder asked.

"I did," A male voice spoke, all of us pulled out our weapons and pointed in the direction of the voice, out of the darkness came a 6'6 Male, he had (S/C) tone of skin, (H/C) short length hair and his eye colour being silver, like what Roman said about that Ruby girl. He was wearing light blue jeans, a black t-shirt and black boots, he had this look, a calm but serious look to him.

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