Chapter 7: A Secret Revealed

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(POV Matt) (Tuesday 3:00pm)

After a long school day, James and I were walking back to our dorm until I felt my scroll vibrate, I grabbed it out of my pocket and saw a message from Wrench, saying 'Y/n says come back'.

"Hang on James, change of plans," I said, causing James to stop and look at me confused.

"Why," He asked.

"Wrench says that our dear leader wants us back," I told him, James just sighed with a look of defeat.

"Should we get Ruby," James asked, I shook my head.

"Nah, her and her team are going to Vale cause of the Vytal Festival, we'll catch her up on it later," I replied, James nodded and we both walked through the halls and outside, walking to the cliff and making our way down, through the forest and after a surprisingly quiet walk we made it to the cave, James slid the boulder to the side clearing the entrance, standing there was Sebastian.

"Took you boys long enough, Y/n needs to speak to you both," Sebastian said, his voice as calming as always.

"Is this about the whole Dedsec thing," James asked, Sebastian didn't respond, instead he just began walking back to the castle, we walked in and James closed up the entrance behind us, we walked down the path, through the castle doors and into the throne room, where Y/n sat with Damien on his left and both Wrench and Eric on his right.

"You called for us," I said, but no one said a thing, Y/n stared at us in silence for a solid minute before speaking.

"Where is Ruby," Y/n asked.

"She's in Vale with her team,," I replied, the look on Y/n's face was hard to tell, was he angry, or does he just have a cold resting face.

"Did you tell her that I asked for you all," He asked, I could now tell he wasn't happy, fuck sake James.

", Ruby needs a day away from all this," I said.

"Did she say that," He asked, I shook my head in response.

"So you made a decision for her, would she not of preferred to be here then with her team, or did you all lie about that," He asked, I'm now just really confused.

"Okay, what the fuck Y/n, what is going on," I asked, Y/n stood up and began walking down his thrones stairs.

"What's going on is you both have brought more attention then what's worth, Atlas is on high alert, one small move is gonna cause them to come down on us," He shouted, stopping in front of both James and I.

"Y/n, it was all my plan," James told him, this caused Y/n to focus more on him.

"And why didn't you consult me about this," Y/n asked, his tone filled with anger.

"How am I meant to do that, you don't exactly have a scroll, and messenger birds aren't a thing, plus you should be thanking me," James said, I could see Damien and Eric's eyes widen, I slowly moved away from Y/n, who's aura could kill a man right now.

"Excuse me," Y/n said, on the verge of snapping.

"You should thank me, our plan on Atlas was gonna attract attention anyway, and considering that The White Fang is public enemy number one, of course Atlas was going to blame it on them, if anything, what I did, saved a whole lot of lives," James stated, his face only a few inches away from Y/n's.

"We would of taken care of Atlas if they tried," Y/n said as he began to walk back to his throne.

"You know, ever since you got unfrozen, you've become somewhat of a fool," James said, this caused Y/n to stop dead in his tracks, I looked over at the others and saw Wrench hiding behind both Damien and Eric, I hid behind a pillar.

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