spinning (childhood memory)

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When you're an eight-year-old girl. You are not deciding to do funny things that aren't usually good for western society like twirling around spinning around on your tippy toes thinking you're going to get the ultimate high from spinning around and then getting dizzy and see if you fall over kind of thing. But I did that very much all the time every day almost like a swirling dervish even though I am eight years old I am very well over my year is in light years astronomical units off you will because I was always spinning around and around and around spinning around on my TV tells like that it was whirling dervish. And I was more or less the same thing as a swirling dervish by the time I was older but that's another story to be told right now I was waiting for my cousins nation and Sarah to come Nathan and Sarah are my best friends are not just my cousins and I ended up just trying to see if I can get myself in a WhirlyGig before I can wait out the long wait for them to come from Quebec to Ontario I live in a small town called Elmont it was very nice. But it was very hard to live in a dead-end street with a field at the end of the street where you can go s t a r g a z e all you want a dark backyard where you can s t a r g a z e all you want but it had its limits there with the darkness as well as the fun factor fun sounds at night that I don't know what we're coming from. That part was not too fun as I was trying to go to sleep many times in the night and I would hear rattling noises as if Cesar tans being rattled or dumped into onto the ground. Something I would never recognize again until I was at my brothers place at age 33 on a visit trying to get some sleep. But this is the first time I actually heard it and it creep me out this is when I was eight years old. And then what happened was the eerie sound of a train came which meant that I was going to finish my nervous swirling as I Collett. As I get my dervish swirling I decided that I was too dizzy to bother waiting and I sat. I was going to watch TV and I was watching the Rugrats. That was my favourite show I was at least eight years old I was in the third grade what a wonderful year was starting to become. I already had interest in Egypt and other rare places that I didn't know I had interest soon and I always wanted to find an Egyptian mummy but was afraid of them because of my fear of the undead again the rattling sounds that I hear at night scared the crap out of me. One time I thought I was siren head the other time I thought it was an Egyptian mommy the other time I thought it was a vampire and the list goes on and on and on your right years old you have a list of things I can go bump in the night. So I was just trying to whirl around get on the chair and watch Rugrats when I was in med Rugrats my cousins came in to the living room and I was able to recover from my swirling and I was able to stand up and not have to see legs. But I didn't feel that high that I wanted for spinning around for so many times and so on are addends scramble my brains.
Come here and watch Rugrats with me I said I was the oldest of the cousins. And the tallest at the time I was almost an NBA Baller when I was going around walking around at that time I was tall and skinny I could eat whatever the hell I want and not have to worry about gaining weight that was annoying for me because I was dangerously underweight anyways for an eight year old and I had a EEE eat and eat and when she was something I didn't really want to do. Was it eat and eat and eat until I threw up practically it wasn't my idea of fun my fun idea was swirling around or doing something on scramble my brains particularly whirling around the living room. Now I thing with this is that I also have an interest in astronomy so I was going to break on astronomy book when they decide to break out a binder and a garbage bag.
Why was it with a garbage bag and the binder I didn't know it was in school it certainly wasn't the dump either. But I ended up deciding I was going to check and it was so full of crypted hero cars like siren head and those kind of things and superheroes it almost look like siren head and cartoon cat it was very interesting. I wanted to park some of my sky zones but I my mom said not to even think about it but I ended up putting some aside anyway. We were playing around with the cards for quite some time they were exchanging cards to see which ones they want and then the same with me I was exchanging cards and seeing what I want to keep as well I want to keep the most gory ones on the planet because I was a whore not as I said even though I had the creepy sounds at night still I believe in going around and having a good time and enjoying a good scare even though these were trading cards I remember exactly seeing Batman walking like the country road creature something that I learned about long before through and Trevor Henderson book that I had in my room. He was my favourite horror artist and he was my favourite person on the planet Saturn I can tied at the time. And that is not a joke I was actually a fan of king tut and I will always read books on Egypt as well as astronomy. But anyway I was reading the back of each card to see what the powers of each Cryptid was equipped it is a monster or animal that doesn't happen to be mythical but have to be rare fining or rare or almost extinct to be a cryptid anything from that could be anything from a Wendigo which is an siren head which would be mythical everything I learned 25 years later that it was more than a mess anyway. I ended up reading as I was reading the attributes of these different monsters and heroes. And I again was saying to my mother can I keep the Freeton cards. She said go ahead take as many as you want I took as many as a Maya is contagion. Soon we ended up hearing a very disturbing sound it was that time of the night when you would hear the rattling of the actual cans outside but I knew damn well that wasn't in the cans and I was getting fed up with this whole idea of hearing their cans in their nest found him train I was only eight years old but I was smart enough to know what a phantom was something that was imaginary but I heard the train everybody heard the train in the rattling of the cans "cans" it was not something I wanted to take lightly I said do you want to go outside and see what the hell is going on my mother Search for me to watch my language I told her well when hell freezes over I never was one for clean language even at eight years old but it wasn't as bad when I was older if I remember my dreams correctly I had prophecies of me when I was older anyway here it is we went outside rattling and the train sounds a train whistle sounds are coming from the forest behind my house it was a dark backyard but it was a crystal clear night I can see the big dipper and little dipper Orion as it was time for Orion to pop up early autumn marches around Thanksgiving they came around for Thanksgiving and I enjoyed their company I couldn't eat the turkey because I was disgusted by turkey but anyways anyway I was able to see the big and little dipper Orion and many other constellations and then we went into the Merc which was the actual forest itself the forest was very creepy we didn't know what was going to happen when the time came. When we went in we decided to try to try to make a game or away let's see who can find siren head love to see you can find this or cartoon cat or whatever else you can think of that it's scary and creepy pastor. That's what I was more or less trying to do trying to make a game of it because I had a very bad fear of the dark after I thought I need Egyptian mommy was in my room. So I decided not to stay tune laid in the evening whenever evening it was it was pitch black if the stars weren't out.
You're all scared for our children's creatures and I was afraid for an Egyptian mommy to come out of the woods and come and it attacked me I've had many nightmares about Egypt when I was a little kid well just a year ago when I was in grade 2 with the corn maze and hitting my nose on a pyramid and being frightened to death and then just recently I had a dream about the pyramids with eyes doing the Mona Lisa fact which means your eyes are following you which was kind of creepy. And I I know this because I read too much stuff I read too much goosebumps I read to watch too much fruit sir spooks and mummies alive and everything else in between that I can think of so I was very scared for my own safety for the fact that the dead federal was going to come out and strangle me but anyway I ended up calling my brass I didn't know how to take deep breath's to help call myself down manage pain. So I'm gonna I will not learn until it later in life but anyways so I held my breath and went into the goddamn forest like it was a swimming pool. Splashed into the murky darkness and there I was with my cousins without a flashlight going around hoping we didn't get caught by the undead or worse in Egyptian mummy that someone Ramses the third or God knows what. Then is Sarah started screaming siren head and then Nathan said that he saw someone that looked like he was murdered we all saw three different spirits or entities I didn't know what to believe in actually but I knew there was something very disturbing about that for a silly design still being smart and going back home he went back and do the rest for us even more just to see what was going on when we went in the forest the darker I got the tree top the canopy was getting to crowd the stars and we soon started to get lost it was going is really frightening and really freaky right away and I didn't really enjoy myself. It wasn't until I heard ouch. That I screamed and said is that the Egyptian mommy that is supposed to be around supposedly there's forest has had many superstitions about ghosts and entities and apparitions and other things that go bump in the night that's why I never like that forest in the night time not very much either in the daytime. But anyway this was in a time and I was stuck in the forest with my two bratty cousins what I would do you willing to do to just swirl around on my tippy toes arms extended and just enjoy life. But this was not enjoying life this was horrifying for me and it was all the while as always my teeth were chattering in fear and I was shaking in fear like that of a timid dog my cousins were laughing at me and I said shut the hell up. And they actually stopped they knew I was serious and I was not impressed with what situation I got myself into so I ended up just trying to try to get out but is that word ouch still scared me when Nathan bombed himself on a tree or at least I thought it was a tree or was it a tree I don't know but it was so dark and spooky and we didn't have flashlights so there was no hope to find out what Nathan bumped his nose on if his nose was broken or if he had a nose bleed the annoying thing that you have when you're a kid. I have seen many kids with nose bleeds they're pretty gruesome and I didn't like the idea of a nosebleed in the middle of the dark forest. I felt like Snow White and the dark forest trying to get a hold he was Snow White anyway I wasn't too fond of Disney when I was younger so anyway I was like Snow White and the dark forest trying to manage on my own kind of find my way back home. It wasn't very enjoyable for me it was very sick Boris and he can properly hear the branches snapping at you went by and sometimes you gotta scrapes or whatever. And it was a fast forest.
As we walked in the forest deeper I saw a clearing that I thought was a clearing but then it disappeared into thin air like a marlarge in the desert I decided I couldn't handle this anymore and I wanted home but I didn't have my compass with me at the time something I had been given to by my father when I discovered the big Depper so that wasn't too fun for me. Not having my compass and not having a flashlight. This was turning from fun to frightening really fast and really hard and I was starting to scare the living daylights out of me I wanted the hell out as soon as possible. But every time we get hit by something a tree branch and a twig some thing and it every time we heard ouch or Yahweh or some thing about that effect it was not very good for my psyche at the time and I was a clairvoyant child. I knew about the actual entities that were going on in the actual forest that the forest even had a wormhole as well I even said that out loud thinking that out loud and then my idiot cousin Nathan said let's go find a wormhole I said no no that's not find the freaking wormhole instead of saying freak and I said the actual ass and I was afraid that if he told my mom that I would get a bar soap in my mouth pronto it was not fun for me to deal with this this is just the beginning of the Thanksgiving weekend and it was just getting more and more horrific as it got along. And I was going to kill my cousins when I got home I thought. Because I really had a healthy fear not a healthy healthy fear but I am very unhealthy fear of Egyptian mummies and the undead. And the darkness really didn't help and seeing that Maroge scared the living daylights right out of me if there was any daylights left in me is so dark it was like a black hole. I thought nothing got out of that damn forest not even white and that's no joke I was afraid that there was going to be a missing persons report for hours or something to that effect I am not too stupid but I was stupid enough to follow my cousins in the damn forest.
Stupid Elena why did you have to do this. We had to investigate these weird sounds why do we have to investigate them I kept thinking to myself and I was getting matter than a hornet and thinking this is not fudging fun anymore excuse my my language I didn't say fledging I said the F word again and it wasn't very fond Sarasota Elena why did you swear like that and I said well I'm getting a little fed up and I'm getting a little scared what do you think it's going to come out of my mouth. I was non-be a very cautious young girl and to be a very decent girl I was very smart had top grades in my class even though his third grade had Tasha being bumped up to the fourth grade but I chose not to because my friends were around anyway I decided that I didn't wanna have anything to do with the forest and I said let's get the hell out of here once I saw a star. But when I saw the start I thought it was the end of it but it wasn't the end of it at all there was going to be a continuation of supernatural events and evil spirits that I wasn't really intending on seeing.
The first spirit we saw was the worst I thought at the time but they got worse and worse and more Garner even worse than the trading cards I had I think I'm gonna have my father burn them when I get back home if I get back home in one piece I was thinking. So I decided that the first ghost was that over Gored up girl gourd as in gory.
She looked like she was very much emaciated bloody and look like she was partially just mamed it didn't look very polite and that's when Nathan said that's my murderer victim that I saw the other hour ago I couldn't believe I was an hours in this damn bloody forest and there I was seeing this bloody Mary like Entity which was not very fun for me.
I am getting fed up I have said more than once when the bloody Mary like entity decided she was going strangle me. But was this really what I was seeing or was I imagining this and then the ratling sounds like "cans continue to "and then I was afraid for my own safety and then I heard the sound of the train but this will not be the first time I know this for a fact that the train will come back and it's all rattling every few hours in the night. This was just ghost number one and I didn't enjoy it very much for her she was a horrible locking Macy and girl as I said an entity that you do not want to be around.
According to my lore of my town this girl was murdered for practising witchcraft something that is not very common in Canada usually she doesn't Salem Massachusetts I know that for a fact because I learned about the Salem witch trials are a book I always read books and go to book fairs in our school and always have money on hand when the book fairs come so I'm always very prepared to get a book. But I was knowing the legend of this one which trail where they starved the girl and then blurted her to death. Something I did not enjoy having to see but it she was reaching out I think as if to reach out for help instead of strangle me wrongs are flailing like saying help me. That was the last I saw it was the last straw bales going to get worse and worse and worse. Turn off the horrible turn to the terrifying and the terrifying and the most grotesque. Pretty soon I didn't want to have anything to do with the sleep I've heard of many people having this thing called DID where they end up having plenty of personalities from experiences like this and the flailing arms didn't help me very much I thought I was going develop two more personalities. And that the worst was gonna come but it was just gonna get even worse it was just now I was doing okay this is gonna get even better being sarcastic!

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