the big dipper (childhood memory)

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I remember this I always knew the big difference since I was 4 years old the same as the planets. I always admire the Big Dipper it was a beautiful thing to see and it was very easy to find when I was a kid with the help of my father I still find it from time to time it's still something that is with me and always with me even though people can come and go is still there. Anyways when I was in third grade I ended up going stargazing with my father in the actual field outside of our street the same field where I cursed like a sailor 3 years earlier because of the kindergarten teacher. This time I ended up seeing the actual Big Dipper and all it's entirety. And then I learned some more constellations and tricks up my sleeve from my father this was when I was in Christmas. I remember that I was snowy and beautiful out and everything was just surreal. It was surreal enough that I broke out in song and I was singing Silent Night even though I couldn't sing worth a pinch because of throat and respiratory infections as a kid but I still sang it anyways because I have a spirit. Then the next thing on Christmas Eve he ended up drawing the big and Little Dipper on my arm something that I might consider having tattooed as a memory and with Santa's sleigh in the middle of the big and little dipper. Something that was very important and I was very excited nothing exciting enough like Christmas and science put together I don't know why I said that. But anyways I like astronomy. And I'd always look at the Big Dipper at Christmas time when I was a kid looking for Santa Claus even as an adult I still do the same thing. Once those lights start coming up out of people's houses I look at the big Dapper and start looking for the big fat guy in the sky Santa Claus not God. I am still a believer of Santa Claus even though I am 33 years old now going on 34 if you whenever you read this or whatever age I am now whenever you read this. But it was a memory that I had. Was stargazing and then having the big and little dipper drawn on my arm as I was about ready to go to sleep to wait for the Old Saint Nick to come. It was very nice and the legend or map star map for Santa was tattooed on my arm but I was too young at the time. Something I wish dearly for and I can still remember the design as if it were yesterday. And so the next day Christmas Day Santa Claus was able to find the big and Little Dipper and I was able to go through my presents. I can't remember what I got that year but it was very interesting to know that the big difference can help anyone find something or find anywhere even Santa Claus.

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