cy no and tighnari play cards (very fun)

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Cyno walks up to Tighnari.

"Hey, I might be in love with you..." he says.


Tighnari starts thinking making Cyno very nervous. His palms start sweating out of nervousness.

"If you win this game of TCG I'll give you a smooch," Tighnari said slyly.

Cyno then laughed.

"Oh, you are going DOWN!"

Tighnari then gets a pack of cards and lays them out on the table behind them. They both then sit down and start playing TCG.

20 minutes later...

"I WIN!!!" Cyno yells slamming the final card down.

"Good job." Said Tighnari.

"Ok so are you now gonna give me my smooch?"


"C'mon I'm waiting..."

Tighnari then runs out of the shop.

"Hey come back!" Cyno yells.

Nobody replies to him.

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