☆ Chapter 1

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1 : An Unforgetable Incident


It was a Sunday night and the first day of school was tommorow, your cousins were still staying here for the summer until the first day of school, your cousins kept chatting with eachother meanwhile you just kept texting your best friend, Bsf/n.

Your mom was driving the car to your favorite restaurant, where you got to meet Bsf/n for the first time. When you finally arrived you kept looking for Bsf/n everywhere, when suddenly someone jumpscares you from behind.

[Bsf's Name]
"Hey [Name], long time no see!!" They said while smiling and hugging you.

"We literally met eachother a week ago??" You said while looking confused for a second.

[Bsf's Name] 
"Awhh come onn!! I still missed youu!!"

"Yea yeah whatever" You said while smiling.

[Brothers Name]
"Heyy [Bsf's Name] !!"

[Bsf's Name]
"Hii [Brothers Name] !!! Long time no see!! I missed you so much!!" They hugged him.

"You guys met like 2 days ago."

[Bsf's Name]
"Shh.. you wouldn't understand."

"Yeah okay lovebirds, psh" You said while looking very annoyed.

You all went into the restaurant and sat down on your seats, instead of sitting next to your brother and your best friend, you sat next to your favorite cousin since you thought it would be best to.

The cousin who you once kept switching places, most people said you looked like twins when in reality, you were just distant cousins. And that was when you and them became the best of friends in the family. You both were inseparable until it came to them moving abroad, but now they're finally here for the family reunion.

"I've missed you [Cousin's name], i thought i wouldve died out here.."

[Cousin's name]
"Pfft, you miss me that much?"

"A kid literally passed out on my bed during a family reunion when you weren't there."

"I was going through a mental breakdown in that room and i didnt even notice the kid passed out." You and  [Cousin's name] felt like dying from laughter

[Cousin's name]
"Well that's certainly something!" They pat your back.

In a few minutes of talking with  [Cousin's name], the food was served on the table and everyone ate their food orders, you were quietly observing the people inside the restaurant while peacefully eating. You felt like puking when you saw the dessert was cake, neither you nor  [Cousin's name] liked cake.

As you were trying not to gag at the sight of something very sweet, [Bsf's Name] starts shaking you aggressively amd quietly screaming which made you throw up in your mouth a bit.

[Bsf's Name]

They said while shaking you to which you mostly couldn't hear but still, it had brought your attention

"WHERE??" You ask.

They secretly point at the waiter they were talking about, and they weren't lying, with his messy indigo hair that looks purple, his gorgeous dark purple eyes, his perfect face, hell if you didn't know any better, you thought you would've been staring at a demi god. (what can i say except your welcome)

 [✧] ❝𝗪𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗚𝘂𝘆❞ - Scara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now