Chapter 24: "What are you doing here?"

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"I finally did it, Mom," I said with a smile, "I finally asked the girl of my dreams to go out with me and she said yes."

There was no reply, obviously. I was talking to her grave.

"You should have seen her face. She was so happy and when she said she felt the same way about me as I felt about her and it was like a dream come true and I've never ever been happier." I spoke again, my smile getting wider.

"I don't know where to take her, though. I haven't told her when I'll be taking her. Should it be dinner with ice cream after? Or a picnic in the forest? I'm so confused. Actually, never mind the location or the time, I just want to spend time with her. Alone. Get to know her better, hold her in my arms, laugh with her, talk about the world's most silliest things. I just want to love her till my very last breath."

"Wow, man. You're whipped."

I turned around to see Alex standing behind me with a smirk on his face.

How did he know I was here?

"What are you doing here?" I got up quickly, dusting the grass off the bottom of my pants. I couldn't look at him, though. He'd seen it. My brother's and my mother's grave.

"I was coming over to talk but I saw you leave your house in your car so I followed you," he replied.


"Yeah, I know it's none of my business but what are you doing here?" He walked up to me and looked at the graves.

I didn't answer. My secret was finally out.

"Adrian, what's going on?"

"It's nothing," I repllied quietly.

"It's obviously something if these people have the same last name as you do and you're talking to them like they're people who mean a lot to you."

"Okay, that's enough, Alex. You had no right to follow me and sneak up on me. We," I pointed my finger between the two of us, "are not friends any more. It was all over the day you slept with my girlfriend behind my back." I suddenly yelled.

I mean, enough is enough. He betrayed my trust and it was when I needed a friend most. He was supposed to my back, not sleep with my girlfriend behind it.

"Oh, give it a break. You didn't even like her, let alone love her. Never mind that, did you ever think about listening to what I had to say? Did you even think of answering one of those million voice mails I left for you?"

"Yeah, Alex, tell me why?! Why should I have done that?" It had turned into a shouting game at this point and both of us were fuming with anger.

"Because I'm your best friend, because I'm the person you say these things to. Honestly, Adrian, you can't let a girl come between us, specially Emma fucking Knightley. She's the last person on the planet that should be the reason you're not my best friend anymore." He screamed loudly and all the birds around us flew away.


"You still betrayed my trust, Alex. Doesn't matter who the girl is. She was my girlfriend no matter how dysfunctional we were. You know how hard it is for me to trust anyone let alone call them my best friend. You know it has always troubled me a lot when I've been kept in the dark!" I retorted, heaving, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm fucking sorry! I was drunk and she was the one who took advantage of me. You know how she always gets her way," he mumbled the latter in embarrassment basically admitting that he could't resist her.

"That doesn't fucking matter! Now please do me a huge fucking favor and get the fuck out of here!" I turned around and started to walk away from my mother's and brother's head stones.

"Not until you talk to me. Who's Noah? Is he your dad? Your brother? Come on, Adrian. Your secret's out, dude." I felt his hand on my shoulder but I immediately shrugged it off. I didn't need his pity or sympathy.

"Just leave me alone," I could feel my voice starting to crack and the tears pooling up. No, this wasn;t the time to cry. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting a tear roll down and then composed myself to face my best friend.

"Hey, Adrian, it's okay to not to be strong all the time. You know I'm here for you no matter what, right?" I turned around to look at a very worried Alex. He genuinely cared for me and I'd never had anyone other than my aunt and Hailey give me that kind of a look. It was so overwhelming that I couldn't help but break into a sob and pull him into a hug. They weren't  tears of sadness but tears of happiness. There were people other than just my now non existent family who actually cared for me.

"Shit, dude, I didn't think you'd take me seriously," he said with a small chuckle, making me laugh as well. I pulled away and wiped away my tears for the second time today.

"I missed you," Alex muttered.

"I know. I missed you too," I said and laughed again. What a goofball.

"So what's up? You gonna tell what this is all about?" He sat down on the grass between my mother's and brother's grave and I sat down across him.

"What's there to tell? My mom's dead, dad's on the FBI's most wanted list and I lost my brother to blood cancer."

"You're joking, right?" 




"This is serious. Have you contacted Child Services?"

"Alex, I'm eighteen. I don't need to call Child Services," I rolled my eyes at him.

"How did you manage all these years? The mortgage and the bills... just how?"

"My aunt did all of that. She still does, actually."

"So why don't you go live with her?"

"Hailey's here and also she and her husband don't agree on anything when it comes to me living with them. Ray hates me because apparently I am a giant pain in the ass and I do not have any manners."

"Well, Ray, whoever that maybe, is absolutely right."

I punched his arm, making him groan in pain.

"You're such a girl," I said and burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ow, that actually hurt you no good piece of shit. You're such a goddamn butthole."

"Oh God," I rolled onto the ground laughing, "you curse like a little ten year old girl."

"Just...just shut up and let's get a drink."


I am extremely sorry for the late update. I've been super busy with school work and other not so important things. I hope you like this chapter and that it made up for the wait, that is if you were waiting.

Anyway, I hope I can update sooner. I have a couple tests next week and I really should be studying but obviously I'm not. 

thanks so much for reading. Can we keep a goal of 5 likes for this chapter? 

-trisha :D

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