Chapter 21: "What Do You Want To Know?"

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I studied all evening, or at least I tried to. Today's events just kept playing in my head; that look on his face, the way he came running out to see if I was okay, just everything about him. What was he even doing there? 

He has friends, you know... unlike you.

I rolled my eyes at my subconscious. She could be a total bitch sometimes.

I hope you know I'm a part you. So if I'm a bitch, you're a bitch.

Whatever, I thought to myself and got up to go take a quick hot shower, one of my favorite things to do after a long and tiresome day. 

I put all my books away and walked to the bathroom taking a clean towel from the closet inside with me. I took my phone inside with me so I could listen to the songs on my 'Shower Playlist'. It had almost fifteen songs including the song 'Shower' by Becky G. I mean, how could I have not added that?!

I took my clothes off one by one and tied my hair up with an old hair tie. Stepping inside the shower, I pressed play and the music began to play. The first song was my favorite one, The Scientist by Coldplay. That amazing voice of Chris Martin was sex, like literally. 

I hummed along while standing under the relaxing shower. It felt so good, like indescribably good. I sighed and thought about where my life had reached, how it was before I had my surgery. Things had changed so much. I had not a single hint that my life would turn out this way before I got into that OR. 

My chain og thoughts was broken when another song started to play. It was a Taylor Swift song called Shake it Off.  Yes, I liked that song very much. It was a great song to dance along to when you're having one of those long and procrastination showers. I sang along and enjoyed it almost half way through before I heard mom call me down for dinner. Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that.

I got out, dried off and got dressed. I let my hair stay up because let's face it, it was just dinner with my mom and dad. As i walked down the stairs, I could hear my mom and dad talking and whispering about something. It seemed like a heated conversation because of the way they were angrily whispering.

"No, she cannot know," Mom said.

"She has to, it's her right to know!" He replied. I stopped in my tracks, was this about me?

"No,she's been through a lot James. She doesn't need to know this and hate us even more for lying to her." Lying to me? About what?

"Oh come, on. She doesn't hate us. She's our daughter!" Dad answered. Okay, I really need to know about this. All this time, they have been lying and making up stories about me and honestly, enough is enough. I wish they'd just talk to me.

"We will talk about this later, she's coming down for dinner now," Mom said sternly and that's when I got mad and ran down to them.

"What was that about?"  Dad was about to say something but he stopped and both of them looked over at me. The silence was killing me. "I said, what was that about?"

"Er, nothing, darling. Come sit and eat," Mom said weakly, faking a smile. 

"No, tell me what was about!" I suddenly shouted, surprising us all.

"Hailey, calm down. We'll eat our dinner and then we'll talk, okay?" Dad said and walked towards me, making me take a step back. 

"No, tell me now or I swear I will leave this house this instant and not return. Ever. And I sure as hell mean it." 

Now,everyone who knew me, knew that my patience wasn't to be tested. I can get very, very angry if I wanted to.

"Okay, Okay.We will talk about it and then you can decide what you have to do,"

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