Chapter 18: Party Time... Not.

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Why did she start crying? That was the first thing I thought after I kissed her.

I kissed her.

I still can't believe I did that but I've never kissed anyone like that before. Not even my own girlfriend.

I cheated on Emma and I don't even feel guilty about it. It would've been completely different if I was in love with her, but I'm not. Instead, I'm in love with the girl I cheated on my own girlfriend with.

That's messed up, if you ask me.

Hailey left after a few awkward minutes and left me alone with my thoughts. I had no idea my day was going to turn out this way.

Where does this leave us?

Trust Hailey to avoid you like the plague after a awkward moment. And this way too awkward for her to come up front and talk to me about.

So, I'm going to have to be the bigger person and go to talk to her.

I sighed and shook of all my thoughts. Just then my phone buzzed with a text.

It was Alex.

'Hey man. Jst wnted 2 kno if ure up 4 a party 2nite at Jake's'

'I'm in.' I typed back.

A party would be good, right?


'B der @ 9'


I put on a pair of dark jeans, a plain white shirt and my leather jacket.

My phone was in my pocket and so I grabbed my car keys and walked out the main door.

I hope this takes my mind off things with Hailey. She's been avoiding my calls and texts.

Typical her.

I drove towards Jake's house which was close to school. It would take me a good fifteen minutes to reach there so I pulled my favourite music cd from the glove compartment and put it on.

It was the new album by the American Authors, Believer.

'Best Day Of My Life' started playing and I whistled along. It was a great time for me to think about everything that'd been going on.

Dad had sent a few threats to Aunt about my safety. He told her he'd hurt me when he got the chance.

As if that's gonna scare me. I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

Why does my life have to be so dramatic?

Overly attached girlfriend, mentally unstable father, a dead mother and brother and a girl who's never going to love me back.

See, dramatic.

I parked right outside his house and walked inside, pushing my car keys into my pocket.

No drinking tonight, I thought to myself when I entered the huge house.

The music was booming loudly and people were making out in the corridors.

Typical house party.

I walked straight to the living room, side stepping drunk girls and boys.

It was quite a sight. Jake saw me and waved, signalling me to come over.

I have him a half a smile and walked around the sweaty, dancing bodies.

"Hey, man. I'm so glad you made it," he hugged me and handed me a beer.

"No, I'm good,"

"Come on, just one," he insisted.

"I wasn't supposed to," I muttered and reluctantly took the bottle.

He smirked at me and took a sip from his bottle.

I stood there for a while, just watching people dance, talking and doing whatever it is that they do in parties.

I hadn't seen Alex or Emma since the time I'd arrived and that was unusual. For both of them.

I put my half empty bottle of beer away and walked upstairs to where most of the bathrooms and bedrooms were.

I'd be grateful if I found an empty one where I could just lay down for a bit.

I walked to one of the rooms and what I saw didn't just surprise me, it pulled all the air away from my lungs.


"Don't you fucking dare," I looked Emma right in the eye before glancing over to Alex.

I clenched my jaw in anger and banged the room door shut.

Who would've thought? My best friend banging my girlfriend. Huh.

I couldn't stay any longer. The thought of them together disgusted me and I wouldn't be able to look at any of them the same way.

How long was this even going on for?

It didn't take me long to find my way out to my car and drive back home. This party was like a wake up call.

Time to break up with Emma once and for all.

And I didn't even have to think twice about it! Tomorrow, or rather today since it was already past midnight, I'm going to break up with Emma and decide what I was going to do about Alex.

How could he do that? And what's worse, is he did it behind my back and still had the audacity to lie to me. He and I have been best friends since the past two years. He ruined it, every single bit of it, just by sleeping with Emma.

Hailey, I thought, now would be a great time for you to tell me that you've always been in love with me too.

God, this is crazy. I think of her at the most random times.

I fell asleep that night with only her on my mind and that have me hope.

It made me realise why my life is still worth living and I fell even harder, if that's possible, for her.


Did you like it? Every one is this poor boy's life is betraying him.

Now Hailey to the rescue! Well, not immediately though:P

Thanks for reading!!



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