Chapter 7: Shakespeare's The Ice Breaker?

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Hailey's POV

My weekend was completely uneventful. Chelsea was talking to Tyler on our movie night and I was bawling my eyes out because we were watching The Notebook. Cliché, right?

Anyway, so today school officially started. I mean, we would start getting assignments and projects from today. I wasn't really ecstatic about it but I have to do it nonetheless. I don't hate school. School is cool!

You sound so weird, inner Hailey spoke.

Yes, I talk to myself.

"Are you coming over tonight? I need help deciding what to wear to Tyler's house. Is he okay?! He wants me to meet his parents! Is psychotic? We've just been going out since a week! Ugh, he's a prick. Why can't he just tell term how I am?" She rambled.

"Shut up, Chel. You're being stupid now. It's just a dinner! Just go, smile, eat and leave. It's not that hard, Einstein," I grumbled with an eye roll.

"Of course I am," she said sarcastically, "it's a dinner, Hails!"

"Do you hear yourself! It's a dinner," I shot back. We held gazes until she sighed and muttered something incoherent.

"I'll see you at lunch," she said finally and walked the other way towards her Spanish class.

Chelsea might come off as a really picky person but she's a great friend. She understands what you're going through and tries her best to help you.

I had English.

English had always been my strong point. I used to top the class and Mr. Jones was my favorite teacher. He was an old, grumpy man to the rest of the school but to me he was the sweetest man in this school. He had three grandsons and one of them used to come at the daycare centre I worked for last year. Mr. Jones loved group projects. He believed that the whole class should work together and be friendly with one another.

I was early. Only a three of us had come. One was, I think, Brittany and the other was Leah. I took my seat at the back of the class. Yes, it's my favorite class but the back was always better.

The bell rang about five minutes later and the class was flooded with high school kids. I spotted Adrian and we looked at each other for a second before he came and sat beside me.


"Okay, class, settle down. Today we'll be studying Shakespeare. I have your projects assigned and yes, it's a group project." He said and more than half of the class groaned.

Come on guys! English is fun, I wanted to say but bit my tongue to avoid unwanted attention.

"You're partners are the ones sitting beside you and those are the seats you will be sitting in for the rest of the the year," he announced.

Was that necessary? I glared at him and he just looked at me and chuckled.

"Having a problem there, Ms. Waters?" He said with a smirk.

I felt Adrian's gaze and swallowed that big lump in my throat.

"N-no, Sir. I'm okay," I mumbled and ducked my head to avoid any glares and dirty looks.

"You really hate me that much?" Adrian asked from beside me. God, now why did he have to talk?

"I don't hate you. I just... I just like doing my English projects on my own," I retorted.

"That is a bit hard to believe, Miss Waters," he smirked, mockingly.

"Can you mind your business?" I sneered.

Who makes such random conversation with someone they hardly know?

"I can't," he grinned, "you're too funny!"

I stayed silent. Maybe then he'll stop.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. Now let's go get that project from Mr. Jones," he suggested.

Finally! He knows how to be civil. I thought he was this really reserved and quiet person but I stand corrected.

"That was easy," I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm gonna of get it. You can start brainstorming," he said with a sigh.

Why is he being so nice? Last time we bumped into each other he was sort of rude and conceited. Is this even normal?

"Here," he placed a piece of paper before me and sat down.

'Enact a scene from any Shakespearean drama together.'

"That's it?" I asked incredulously. This was too easy.

"Apparently," he mumbled.

"This is really easy," I said with a smile.

"You speak too soon. Wait till you actually start working, Babe," he smirked. What are you talking about? It's just a play.

"We'll see," I breathed and started thinking on what we should do.


"I have to work with him," I started once we were on our way home. Chelsea was driving me home since my Polo was with Dad.

"With who? Adrian?" Chelsea questioned. She was still tensed about her dinner with Tyler's parents. Maybe I should talk to her about that.

"You know what? We don't have to talk about it. Are you still worried about that dinner?" I said, playing with the hem of my sweater.

"Hailey, it's okay. I talked with him and he said his parents would be nice. I'm not worried about that now," she replied and smiled at me.

"No, no! We can totally talk about it! Adrian's totally not important," I voiced. He really wasn't. It was just a group project, right. We would finish it in a day or two. Seriously, how hard can it be?

"Guess we'll have to do it later," she pulled up outside my house.


"Il see you later," she replied with an eye roll, "call me tonight, though. I need some moral support before Tyler comes over."

"Of course," I grinned and quickly left the car and ran inside. I was starving.

Mom must've made those delicious pizza rolls today. She always Made them on Mondays.


So this was a filler sort of thing. I have severe writers block and I don't know what to write!!n

Next update hopefully tomorrow. More exciting things!

-Trisha (:

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