Chapter 13: Can You Teach Me Some Chemistry?

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It had been a week since that day. I'm just going to leave that annoying boy alone. After the whole storming of my backyard, I decided against getting back at him because I was failing a class. Which class you might ask? It's Chemistry.

I never really paid attention to what Miss Lombardi ever said. I was either really exhausted after a long day or I was too bored to pay attention.

So today she tells me I need a tutor. And guess who she suggests? It's no brainstorming, actually.

It's Adrian.

When I asked him about it, he seemed to be happy. He smiled at me like I was an old friend and said yes.

It was sweet.

The exciting part is that Chelsea is back. Her grandmother felt much better and she was happy.

She wasn't attending school today because she was tired. What a drama queen, but I missed her nonetheless.

I was walking back from Calc when I bumped into Adrian.

"Oh, hey," he smiled and pulled his bag over his shoulder.

I smiled, "hey, I was just coming to ask you about the tutoring,"

I wasn't, really.

"Oh? Um... how about tomorrow after school at the diner?" He shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"The diner? You can come over," I frowned. He'd come over before so why not now.

"Yeah... no. I don't think it'd be that ideal,"

"What? Why?" I was really curious now.

"Look, just meet me at the gate after the bell rings," he shrugged and walked away.

Is he bipolar?


I shrugged it off and walked to my locker.

Time for some me time.


By the time I got to the gates after the last bell, Adrian was already waiting with another friend of his, Alex.

He smiled at me when our eyes met and pushed Alex away.

"You ready to go?"

"Yep, to the diner, right?"

He nodded. "I've got my car so..."

"I can just meet you there 'cause I have mine too," I shrugged.

"Alright, then. See you in fifteen,"


I walked to my car, humming a random tune.

Suddenly, my head started spinning and the voices around me were muffled. A pang of pain shot up my arm and I fell to the floor.

I started taking deep breaths once the pain subsided. The headache lasted a mere second and I got up again.

The parking lot was empty.

I sighed and limped my way to my car. I hadn't got such seizures or whatever this is since so long. The last time I had one was in the ninth grade. I was relieved when I realized no one had seen me.

Driving to the diner took me about ten minutes. When I got inside, Adrian was already sitting by the window. He hadn't seen me because he was still looking outside.

His hair was messed up which made him look really good. He had his eyebrows scrunched up, like he was thinking hard about something.

I smiled to myself and walked up to him.


He immediately looked up and his lips curled up into a smile.

"Hey, you're late,"

"Sorry, I, uh, left my books in my locker," I forced a smile and sat down across him.

"It's alright, lets just start. So what is it that you have an issue with?" He pulled out his textbook and a notebook.

I raised an eyebrow. "Wow, spoken like a true tutor. You're all set, huh?"

He laughed, "Nothing like that. I just want to help."

"Right," I roll my eyes, "I have issues with Chemistry as a subject."

"O...kay. We can start with the easy stuff, like Gas Laws. They're pretty easy," he shrugged.

"Yeah, before that can I just get myself a hot chocolate?" I smiled playfully, making him chuckle.

"Sure," his lips twitched, fighting a smile.


"Wow, this is so easy," I muttered once I saw him solve a problem easily.

"Yeah, it is. You just have to use the laws according to the values given," he replied, finishing another one.

"You're not as dumb as I thought you were," I read through another problem.

He sighed when I showed him another difficulty.

"Hails, you just have to use the law," he groaned.

"Since are we on nick name basis?"

He stared at me. "I, uh, I didn't- I'm sorry."

I burst out laughing, earning a few glares from the old men sitting around us.

"I was kidding, Ad,"

He dropped his face in the palms of his hands and I heard a few muffled chuckles.

"How did we go from not taking at all to two people laughing away at something so silly as nick names?" he started laughing again.

I smiled at him. "I don't know. Guess Shakespeare's the ice breaker,"

"Guess so,"

We spent a couple seconds just looking at each other and smiling.

It felt good to talk to someone other than Chelsea. Adrian wasn't a bad guy after all. I felt like I could laugh and be as informal and shameless as I wanted when I was with him.

With Chelsea I was always being careful with my words and my behavior and time with Adrian was like a release of all the silly things I've wanted to say aloud.

It's a wonder how I warmed up to him so quickly. It really is.

He cleared his throat and went back to working on the problems.

"Next time we can meet at your house,"

"What?" his eyes were wide and he looked like he just heard something he didn't want to.

"There's going to be a next time?" He sat upright and looked at me like 'are you serious?'

"I can't really understand it in one hour, now can I?" I chucked nervously.

"No no, I'm just surprised is all,"

"You thought I thought you couldn't teach me?" I smirked.

"Haha. No. I just thought you wouldn't want me to teach you because of your- never mind. Let's just continue."

"Wait a sec, because of my what?" I frowned and looked at him.

"Nothing. Let's just get this over with. I have somewhere to be," he dodged my gaze and put his book away.

"Um, okay."

What just happened?

"Can I know when we're meeting next?" I got up as well and followed him out.

"Tomorrow. Same time," he jogged off to his car and left me standing there, staring at his retreating self.

"Okay, then."


Not my best.

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-Trisha (:

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