Chapter 10: This Isn't Over Yet

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Could this get any worse? English is so pathetic. I hate it so damn much. Stupid Ashley and weirdo Drew were reciting their piece.

They chose Romeo and Juliet. Seriously? I can't believe those people!

I groaned loudly, earning a glare from Mr. Jones and a few other people in class. I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out. I was really waiting for a party. It had been a week and a half since school had begun and there hadn't been a single party since.

Nothing. What the heck? This was so boring.

There hadn't been a single text from my Aunt. After the day she dropped that bomb about Dad on me I've been keeping an eye on my phone.

I glanced at Hailey. She was asleep. I chuckled softly and looked back at the front of the class to make sure no one saw her asleep.

The moment Mr. Jones clapped his hands loudly, she woke up with a start and wiped away the little drool, making me stifle a laugh.

"Now we have Julius and Calpurnia. Mr. Callaway and Ms. Waters, please come up," Mr. Jones called and both of us got up slowly, walking to the front.

I heard a few snickers when Hailey yawned. Her cheeks were flushed and I just hoped she would remember her lines. They were easy but a bit tough to remember.

"You remember your lines, right?" She asked before we began. Look who's talking.

I smirked. "Of course I do, Sweetie,"

"Ew. Don't call me that," she feigned a gagging sound and the whole class started laughing again.

"Okay, class. Adrian and Hailey, please begin," Mr. Jones chastised and I sighed.

Here we go.


"Adrian, I am going to kill you!" Hailey yelled after we left our class. I had totally messed up and had said all of her lines instead of mine.

Kind of a genius, am I not?

"Calm down, Hailey. I messed up. You didn't!" I said and she scowled at me.

"You're an ass! You told me we could do this and you messed up. You messed up, Adrian. How am I supposed to trust you?" she cried and I sighed, defeated.

"Hailey, it's okay!" I yelled and the whole hallway fell silent. They looked at us like we were crazy.

"What?" I glared at them and they all looked away, returning to their conversations.

"You are going to pay for this. I swear, Adrian. This is not over," she seethed and walked away in the opposite direction.

She has Calculus next and calculus is the other way.

Genius, Hails.

"Hey, Hails. Calc is the other way," I smirked and she glared at me before brushing past me.

She is something.

"You're talking to her?" A new voice spoke up and I turned around to see Emma standing there with a horrible scowl on her face. God, she looked like a scowling cow.

"Yeah, I am. Have a problem?" I rolled my eyes and started walking towards my next class, World History.

"Adrian, don't you remember our little talk at your house?" She spoke through clenched teeth and smiled sickly at the few 'friends' that crossed her path.

"Yeah. Unfortunately I do and I already told you that you can't control me!" I turned around the corner where I saw Alex. He gave me a knowing smile and I glared at him before turning around and snapping at the annoying bitch who just won't get off my back.

"Goddamn it, Emma. Just leave me the fuck alone and go fuck yourself!" I stalked away from there leaving every person staring at me in shock.

I hate this school.


School had been really aggravating and I couldn't wait to go home and have a few drinks. I didn't even want to talk to Alex. He would always bring up that bitch. Is he into her or something?

Lunch was just over and I had Gym which I thought of skipping mainly because of two reasons.

1. Hailey's in that class;

2. It's Gym.

Fuck it. I'm skipping.

I know what you're thinking. Adrian is such a wimp and he can't even face the girl he loves because he messed up the most important projects of the year.

Yeah, I know. But it's not exactly easy.

You see, Hailey's a very violent person.

There was this one time where we were playing in my backyard and Noel was annoying her. She threw a toy train at his head and he had just been playing with us for thirty seconds.

Now I had completely riled that little beauty up and she could go to any limit to hurt me. I knew it. She always has tricks like that up her sleeve.

It's decided. I'm skipping


The phone ring woke me up. I got up slowly and looked at the clock.

1:45 am.

Who could it be now?

I got up, rubbing my eyes, and answered the house phone.

"Hello?" I answered groggily, still a bit sleepy.

"Son, I hope I have not woken you up..."


Liked it? I'll be updating soon again.

Thanks for reading!

VC and F.

- Trisha (:

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