Chapter 20: Welcome Home, Son.

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How could that be? That wasn't her first kiss. Her first kiss was when we were fourteen, when I took her out with me to the small hut on the cliff. Maybe she forgot. Yeah, that's got to be the reason. It was before her surgery and maybe that's why she doesn't remember.

I sighed in disappointment when she got up and ran away. This is not how I expected my life to be when I was a kid. I thought I'd be the most popular and fun kid at school, I'll have a beautiful girlfriend who will love for who I am, my grades won't be disappointing, my brother and I will go to Stanford together and Mom and Dad will finally make up and we will become one happy family but nothing goes according to the way you want. That's life.

I saw Hailey run past her blonde haired friend, Chelsea. She seemed distressed and in pain. All the protective instincts in me came alive and I ran behind her. When I got to the parking lot, I saw her sitting on the ground, panting.

"Do you need a doctor?" I asked. She was really getting me worried now. Seeing her in this state, my heart broke a little. She was such a nice person. Loving, kind, considerate and she didn't deserve this at all. Not one bit. No one deserved it, actually, but its life. Shit happens and the wrong kind of people, usually the nice ones are the ones that end up this way.

"No," she breathed, "I don't need a doctor."

"Are you sure? Hailey, this is-" I started only to be cut off by her.

"I said I don't need a doctor. Is that so hard to understand?" She sounded so mad, like she didn't want me to be there at all and honestly, it hurt. She'd always been there for me and now, everything had changed. Simply everything.

"Hailey," I started, "let me take you home."

"No, um, I'll do it," Chelsea mumbled and helped her stand properly. My heart sank. Yes, i was happy Hailey had someone who always helped her, stood up for her, took great care of her, but that should be me. Her best friend, her boyfriend, her life partner.

"Chelsea, I can do it," I was trying to sound nice, not authoritative. Damn it.

"Adrian, just leave us alone. Please," she looked at me, right into my eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful. Ugh, i sound sappy and love struck. 

More like i girl I'd say, my subconscious responded. Then suddenly i thought about our kiss. The best kiss of my life. Stupid brain. ls this even happening right now? 

"Can we please talk about this?" Suddenly I wasn't talking about the current situation anymore. It was getting awkward and uncomfortable now. 

She stayed quiet. I have my answer then.

"I have to go,"  I heard Chelsea sigh and she3 looked over at Hailey. Obviously we are never going to the part where we talk about our kiss. I was just getting mad now. I loved her but she really tested my patience.

I let out a frustrated growl and walked back inside the mall. My day was totally ruined.

My friends were no more in the coffee shop where i last Left them. I sighed and decided to go back home and finish cleaning up  around the house a littloe. My car was with my aunt for the wekend since hers was at the garage so i had to walk home. UGH!

It would take me around twenty minutes to get home. Just the cherry on topn of a perfect day.Isn't my life just the best?

I took the longest route possible because i could really use all the time I got to  think about my broken life.. All i did was think of my mom and Noah. Noah would've helped me with Hailey. He was smart and undertstanding and he knew about girls more than i did and i know this because of his rellationship with this girl for over a year and he was just in the seventh grade. She moved away a little bit after his death. 

I remember this one day, Noah came home upset. She had fought with him and that was hard to beliove seeing that their seventh grade relationship was actually working out pretty well.

"Hey, man. What's with the face?" I looked over at my twin brother who had just walked in after a day at school which I conveniently skipped. A little pretend coughing always gave me an excuse to stay home and just relax.

"it's Sam. She and I got into a fight," he muttered and plopped himself on the couch beside me. He looked at the television  with a disgruntled e3xpression and groaned. 

Wow, he was really troubled.

"Okay,talk to me," I turned towards him and switched the television off.

"She said I have to start studying with her."


"Adrian, you know how much i loatheb studying,"  he rolled his eyes at me.


"So i said no and she got mad at me and now she won't come to the danve with me."

"So go till the dance and then tell her you can't take it anymore. She's too pretty to study with," I said with a shrug.


"Why?" I asked.

"Because she's too nice to lie too. I love her too much too,

"You know you're just 12, right?"

"Age is just a number,"he rolled his eyes at me. 

"Oh my God, dude.You''re weird." I said and got up, rolling my eyes at him. He sighed and just shrugged.

"I know, but do you ever think of yourself in the future? Your job, house, kids, wife?"

"Yeah, sometimes I guess," I replied.

"When i think ofmy future, she automatically comes to mind. I really do love her," he said, somewhat shyly. 

"Wow, man. That's actually pretty great," I smiled. 

"i know, right? I'd totally do anything for her."

He was awesome and there were some days where I missed him so much.

By the time i collected all my thoughts, i was looking at my porch. Wow, that was quick.

I made my way up the creaking stairs towads the front door and got my key out from my pocket but something made me stop. 

I heard a glass fall to the floor. Someone was inside. I immediately looked under the mat. My spare key was gone.


I was as quiet as i could be when I unlocked the door and pushed it open. My heart was pounding and the loud creak of the door made tall, broad shouldered figure turn my way. I knew all too well who it was.

His dry lips lifted into a wide, sadistic smile, the same gap in his yellow teeth.

"Welcome home, Son. It's your loving father," he spoke softly. I swear, it sounded creepier than a baby giggling at  2 in the morning when you're home all alone.

Now let's understand one thing. I'm not the type to get scared easily but right now, in this moment, I swear looked as pale as a ghost. 

My worst nightmare was back and this time I don't think he's leaving any time soon.


HIIIIII! I'm updating after so long, it's not even funny and I am so sorry! 

btw, Happy new year to all my readers! i'm super late but its better late than never, right? right?

i guess...

don't hate me, please? :(

anyhow, i hope you like this chapter! i shall be updating on this weekend again. thanks to all my readers and please feel free to leave a comment and share and vote!

Thank you,all! I appreciate you giving me your time and reading my work!

love you'll

p.s.currently obsessed with that song. its old but ehh. it's still awesome. -------->


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