Chapter 11: Eggy Hair and A Bra Storm.

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Can I just say I hate Adrian Callaway? He is just so amazingly annoying and I don't why he had to go and ruin my entire project.

I knew his lines too but he just had to confuse me at the final moment. Who the hell does that? Doesn't he have any manners?


I parked my car in the driveway and stomped inside the house. Mum and Dad were still not back and so was Chelsea. I was all alone again.

I need revenge.

I groaned loudly and slammed my room door shut. What should I do that will drive away this sexy but extremely annoying boy?

I don't know where exactly his house his. I will not go anywhere near his girlfriend, too and I will definitely not tell Chelsea about this.

Should I prank him? But how?

That's why the internet was invented, I thought.

I switched on my computer and typed in How to prank idiots on Google. That should do it.

I got millions of ideas. Some of them were pretty lame while some of them were too extreme.

Use itching powder.

Throw tomatoes

Slash the tyres of his car

Paint his car pink

And so on...

"What should I do?" I wondered aloud. I don't think he had a car so no painting or slashing. Tomatoes were expensive so not that either and as for the itching powder, it's too mainstream.

This is going nowhere. I had been racking my brains since the past hour and I had absolutely nothing.

Just pathetic.

Filling his locker with a hundred crickets sounded so good but where the hell should I find so many crickets?!

I should throw paint on him. Yeah, I think that's good enough. Or no, how about eggs? Eggy hair sounds good.

Adrian Callaway: The boy with Eggy Hair.

Hmm... Not all that bad, actually.

Let's go buy some eggs then!


I was excited, to say the least. I wanted him to have eggs in his hair.

I was going to reach school early. I left home at 7:15 rather than the usual 7:45. I had a bad feeling about the whole thing but he deserved it.

But eggs is kinda mainstream, too, right?

I parked in my usual spot and wales inside the old metallic gates to the dreadful work inside. Adrian's locker was near the cafeteria.

I had decided to attack his locker. I was going to put a mini catapult I found in the toy store in the mall and attach it to the back. So when he tries to open his locker, the egg will hit his face. It looked easier in the video and I took some time setting it up.

After about five minutes, the hallway began filling up and I finished the job with a note.

'For all you've done.'

There, all good.

I grinned inwardly and sauntered off.

Time for action.

I already had a camera set up from Chel's locker which was right across his.

I hope it works.


"Hailey Anne Waters, I am going to kill you!" A loud voice boomed from the hallway when I left Calc.

I fist pumped and started happy dancing.

"He's got egg hair, he's got egg hair," I sang and danced my way to lunch.

Let's just hope he doesn't get me back.


I've been avoiding Adrian for the past two days. Mom and Dad are back which makes me feel much safer now. I have literally not slept last night because I was too afraid he'd come and kill me.

School was uneventful and he acted like nothing happened. Emma was being a complete bitch to me because apparently her bed sheets started smelling.


I had just finished eating dinner and talked to Chelsea for a bit. She already came to know about the prank and I had an awesome time listening to her (note the sarcasm).

Finally some sleep.


"Where the hell is all my underwear?" I screamed.

I had just stepped out of the shower to get dressed and when I opened my closet, my underwear was missing. All of it.

"Darling, why are your bras all over the lawn?" I heard my Mom say.


I quickly put on a bathrobe and ran down stairs to see my bras hanging on the bushes and small trees in our lawn.

What happened here?

That's when he came to my mind.

Adrian Callaway, you are going down.

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