Chapter 9: Julius And Calpurnia

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I have no idea what we should do for the English Project. Shakespeare has written so freaking much and it's really hard to choose. Adrian isn't helping at all. He just keeps smirking at me and doesn't help at all. We tried Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, As You Like It, Merchant of Venice and almost every damn play he's written!

Our project was due on Tuesday and that's three days from now. I am freaking out! I even asked Chelsea but she doesn't even know the's' of Shakespeare. Mom and Dad are out a stupid business trip and I have no idea what I should do. Did I mention I was freaking out?

I was roaming around the house in nothing but a sports bra and shorts. My hair was birds nest and I didn't have a care in the world. Damn English project!

Just then the door bell rang. Oh. No.

What should I do? I can't open the door like this!

Wait, it could be Chelsea. She said she was going to come over. I looked through the eye-hole. It was Adrian.

Great timing, Asshole!

"Shit," I grumbled, "what to do? What to do?"

I found my mom's apron lying on the sofa and quickly put it on and slowly opened the door.

He was looking quite nice with dark washed jeans and a plain white t-shirt. He smirked at me and pushed his way inside.

"You look hot," he wolf whistled. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what to enact for Tuesday. Do you have any ideas?" I folded my arms before my chest and he actually looked like he was thinking.

"I have an idea," he said skeptically.

"This better be worth my time," I moaned and he sighed, frustrated.

"We could do Julius Caesar,"

"What scene?"

"I don't know?" he said with a shrug. Fuck you, Callaway.

"You're right... this is not easy. This is annoying and really difficult," I groaned and he smirked. Again.

That bastard.

"See, I told you! You spoke too soon and you just had to show off and be all cool about it," he sat down on the couch and threw his legs on the small table.

"You make yourself so comfortable," I said with a fake smile. I don't even want to do this anymore. "You know what? I'm done! I can't do this with you."

"Did I mention that this counts for twenty percent of your grade? Oh, I'm sorry I didn't! But... now that you know, you have to do it, Babe," he winked with his disgusting smirk.

I groaned loudly and ran up to my room. He was such a pervert! First of all he comes home unannounced and then eye-rapes me?! What has the world come to?!

I changed into a pair of knee length denim shorts and wore a grey tank top over my sports bra. I felt a little conservative now! Whew!

"Hailey, we can do Julius Caesar." Adrian said solemnly once he came in sight.

"You have to cooperate with me," I sighed and he nodded.

I smiled. "Okay let's do this,"


"Thank the Lord!" I moaned and he chuckled. After three long hours we were finally done! We had picked the scene between Julius and his wife Calpurnia. It wasn't too difficult and it was short.

"Am I that horrible?" he asked with a hand on his heart. "You hurt me, Hailey and ergo I will not offer you the Skittles I have bought."

My ears perked up at the sound of skittles. I love skittles.

"I'm sorry! Please give me some Skittles!" I pleaded with an apologetic look.

"Huh. I didn't know you liked it that much. Well, apology accepted but I'm sorry, I don't have them now. I was just joking,"

You just messed with the wrong Skittler.

"GET OUT NOW!!!" I yelled and he didn't move a muscle. Instead, he smirked and kissed my head before walking out the front door.

Is he bipolar?

Ugh, boys are confusing.

Curse Willow Wood High, curse Mr. Jones and curse Shakespeare!!!!

My phone was buzzing continuously with texts. It must be Chelsea, I thought.

'Hey, Hailey! I just found out that my grandma is really ill and mom wants me to go visit her. You'll have to get a ride from someone else until Friday. I love you xxx'

'This was really fun, Hailey.' That was Adrian. Where did he get my number from?

'Where did you get my number from?' I typed back.

'Doesn't matter. Have a good night.'

'You too.'

This is so weird.


I was alone at home until dinner and Mom and Dad weren't coming back until Thursday. My homework was all over and I was getting really bored. I thought about watching a movie but choosing one was too much of an effort. I'm a lazy ass.

This had been the first time I'd ever been left alone since my last surgery. My Mom never trusts anyone with me and used to always stay back whenever Dad and she had to go. I was happy that she would do anything to look after me but then it got really agitating so they finally left me alone. I convinced them that nothing wrong would happen since I had been NEC since the past year. My cancer was there but just not that severe. I had a normal life and that's all I ever wanted.

I hated pity and sympathy. I hated people who treated me differently; like I was a weakling. I wanted to be a normal girl with a normal life and my ninth grade was totally the opposite. After my surgery, no one spoke to me normally. They always did tiny favors for me and treated me like a kid. All of their parents used to keep asking me about my condition and when I would totally recover. The truth is, I won't ever 'recover'. I'm going to have the cells in me and it could get passed onto my children.

I would be a cancer patient all my life.


So... did you like it? Its 3 Microsoft word pages and 1020 words long. My finger tips started to feel weird so I ended it there. Do you'll like Haildrian? :P


-Trisha (:

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