Can't Be Real

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Slowly, my eyes begin to flutter open and my ears are filled with the musical tones from my phone's alarm. I can't be doing with the beeping or monotone noises this early in the morning, I need at least some melody to wake me up. Even though I hate Mondays. You're just past the weekend and the next one is the furthest away. Sucks, right?

But I have a job calling my name, so sighing I roll over onto the opposite side of my bed and reach for my phone. Blinking a few times to open and focus my eyes, I tap the stop button and sigh, letting my arm fall to the bed heavily. Mondays are always a struggle to get up. Especially this time of year. It's darker for much longer in the mornings and usually much colder. But I can see the sun slowly rising between the clouds, oranges and yellows partially filling the sky. So that's a plus.

Sitting up slowly, I stretch my arms above my head, yawning before sighing again. I'd love to do nothing today and stay in the comfort of my warm bed. But I can't, like I said, I have a job calling my name. Surprisingly, a job I absolutely love and worked fucking hard for. At the young age of twenty-five, I'd like to think I've made it in the corporate world.

I did want to go to University but I didn't get the grades in college despite working my socks off. I've just never tested well and all my exams pulled my overall grades down. My coursework and assignments were all on point, averaging A grades to B's and a few C's here and there. Nothing that would detrimentally affect my overall result. But that's exactly what my exams did. They pulled me right down and I didn't get into University. I couldn't even get in through clearing at my first, second or any of my choices. Needless to say, at eighteen, I thought I'd hit rock bottom and was on track to be a failure. Meanwhile my younger sister was smashing it, similarly to how my older brother had too.

Now thankfully, it wasn't all doom and gloom. I managed to hop onto an apprentice which in hindsight, I'm so grateful for. I learned the theory side of things, what I would have learned in lectures and seminars at University on the job and also, how to put it into practice. It only solidified my job choice and gave me the perfect experience that landed me where I am now. Happy and successful.

Pulling the duvet off me, hearing my stomach rumbling telling me it's hungry and ready for breakfast I push to stand and yawn again, feeling the effects of my late night last night. I really need to curb it with FIFA, I'm on it until all hours with the guys and I wonder why my eyes are like pissholes when I wake up.

I reach for the corner of my sheets and pull them back into place before smoothing my pillows down too. Pulling on the shorts of my pyjamas I shed last night before getting into bed, I stand and slowly pace towards the closed door allowing my body some time to wake up properly. As I rub my eyes, I open the door and wander down the short corridor, hearing muffled conversation in the distance coming from the kitchen.

No surprise, I'm the last up. The others will have gone to the gym earlier or for a run. I'm not about those things, I can't be doing getting out of bed earlier than absolutely necessary. But Morgan and Felix live for it, they're up and out bright and early putting in an exercise shift well before their work shift starts.

I've lived with these since I was twenty-one and honestly, I'm so glad we decided on a whim to move out together. I've known both of them since I can remember. We've gone through nursery, primary school, secondary school and college together side by side. Only Felix made it to University out of the three of us, me and Morgan didn't do well enough but we didn't let that stop us from continuing the student lifestyle. We still went out together, got leathered and suffered all the hangovers together. They're my boys, they have been for years and likely always will be.

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