Slim To None

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"You said it was the producers who separated you. But wasn't it them who put you and Jo together? Just a thought, why not reach out to the one who casted you? Charlie, wasn't it?" Mercy says, beginning her descent of the stairs in front of her. As she leaves, I close the door, pondering her point. And it's a good fucking point. It makes sense, Charlie put me and Jo together for the show so she'd have her contact details too.

Turning quickly, I begin to pace towards my bedroom and grab my laptop, opening it up. The screen comes to life but as it's been a while, it takes its sweet arse time loading. My heart pounds as I watch the loading bar fill too slowly for my liking. This could be the answer I've been looking for. This could be the way I find her.

It's so simple, really. Of course, Charlie would have Jo's details. I'm a fucking idiot for not thinking of this beforehand. Instead, I had to have my sister almost stage somewhat of an intervention and hear me out as everyone else has so they know the cause of my misery. I know what I told her caught her off guard. She's not the only one though. Admitting that you love someone isn't a small thing to admit. She - like the guys - will have thought I was upset about the money. Anyone would. But I couldn't care less about that.

Eventually, the login screen appears on my laptop so I sit on the edge of my bed and type in my password before hitting enter. Why is it that when you're in a hurry for something technology, especially computers, seem to run at a snail's pace? Impatiently, my right foot taps against the floor while I watch the rainbow spinner rotate constantly. I wait and wait, watching my computer think about its actions before the screen turns to my main desktop and things start to appear. Thank fuck.

Once my laptop is alive and working, I head to my browser and type in the website where I can access my emails. I don't waste any time putting in my credentials and logging in. I just want to get this sent so I can get a reply. The quicker I email Charlie, the quicker she'll reply and the quicker I'll find Jo. Still, it baffles me that I didn't think of this on my own without Mercy's input. But I've thought of it now and it's happening.

In the top left corner, I move my mouse over the 'compose' button. Clicking down, a small box appears to the right of the screen, waiting for me to fill. I start with Charlie's email which thankfully, the system remembers as I type out her name. As I come to the subject of the email, I opt to keep it simple with the words details request, hopefully, that'll give her a heads-up about what I'm asking before she opens the email. Happy with the important details, I begin to write.

Hi Charlie,

I hope you're well.

I just wanted to reach out with a request that I feel you may be able to help with. I was wondering if you could supply Jo's contact details. I'd really like to get in touch with her outside the house.

You pairing us together was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. You helped me find my person and I hope you can help me find her once again.

I look forward to hearing from you - hopefully, sooner rather than later.



I re-read what I've typed a few times before I click on the 'send' button, sending it on its way to Charlie. All I can do now is hope that she'll get back to me. I have to find her. One way or another.


Feeling somewhat disorientated, it takes me a few moments to realise I'm on my bed, knelt up in the middle. A warmth radiates from in front of me, soft smooth skin falls underneath my touch. Without a second thought, I realise who's in front of me, the source of the warmth. It's her. My Jo. My buttons. She's here with me... How?

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