East Blue High

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This isnt a zosan ship or a zosan book but i thought they were just too adorable and you guys need to see this .

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yeah?" you said plainly. Tashigi's voice quivered with excitement, maybe because she looked up to you, (it's hard not to,) or maybe because she was going to say something exciting. Probably both.

"I heard there was going to be a new male student," the bluette quips behind you, zipping up her jean jacket.

That caught your attention. A new student? East Blue doesn't really get any...newcomers lately. Especially females.

This will be exciting.

Whether it's someone to torture, or someone to end up liking. 

As a friend, of course. 

"Really? What grade?" you asked doubtfully. "It might be a rumour." Tashigi shrugs it off but still answers.

"12," she said excitedly with a gleam in her eyes. "I wonder if he's cute."

You narrowed your eyes playfully. "Are you thinking to ask him out the moment he comes?" What if I beat her to it? No way. That would ruin my reputation. 

You were one of the popular girls at East Blue High, not like you cared about it, but at East Blue, rumours spread like lightning. You can say something to the left side of the whole school, two seconds later, it'll end up in the right. And people here (some of them) were a pain in the ass. They would, and will, tease you till your death if something happens. Luckily maybe if you have friends that can support you they will help you as well.

"Maybe," she said with a wink before grabbing the remains of her lunch and standing up. "Not if Bonney steals him from me, though." She paused, brushing dust offher shoulders. "Actually, perhaps I can wait this time. You need to get yourself a boyfriend. Then, you will stop whining about all the more charming boys fighting over you." Tashigi laughed and offered a snicker.

You rolled your eyes and headed back to History with Mr. Mihawk. The only teacher you hated was Vice Principal Akainu, talking about FRICKING CLIMATE CHANGE WHEN HE WAS ACTUALLY PROBABLY THE PERSON THAT STARTED IT.

Aokiji and Kizaru were also pains, you thought. Not as much. But kinda.


Later, at lunch break, you surprised yourself by giving yourself a migraine-from the latest news of the new kid.

"Where's Nami?" you asked to a random pink-haired boy with blue-rimmed spherical glasses that was organizing his locker. "You know, the orange-haired woman, with the bra and jeans, and loves money."

"I-I think she's at the c-cafeteria," the guy whimpered. You snorted. Guys like these weren't your type. Well, he was right alright. Watch, somehow he'd end up like, President or something.

You made your way to the cafeteria, finding Nami who was checking her jewelry with a grin no one could be happier with. She looked up. "Heeyyy, Y/N! Did you find me because of my new Chanel rings, that were glimmering so beautifully? Or am I just a natural star?" 

"Stop acting like that," you muttered, slightly amused. "Or I'm gonna think you're another Cavendish."

She rolled her eyes. "You just hate me," she joked. You were her best friend. "Anyways, there's big news," she said while you were about to say the same thing. 

"Mm-hm." You tied up your f/c hair in a messy bun. "Wonder when he'll be here." 

 "Thing is, I heard he's a big shot," Nami said. "Maybe you'll get to know each other, actually!" she said in a teasing way. Why was everyone so curious about your social status? 'Because you were single for too long, after that son of a ----- cheated on you?

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