Watch Out, Have Fun

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Waking up you felt weirdly good. Stretching out your arms you felt something slip down from your shoulder.

A muscular arm.

Nearly shrieking you caught yourself before you remembered what had happened last night and apparently you had drowned in sleepiness because you were so tired.

It was the alcohol yesterday. Probably. But the greenette Zoro was sleeping so soundly you couldn't afford to wake him up. Thoughts of the sudden appearance last night gave you shivers and clouded your mind and you didn't even think of anything else for that morning. He did it so normally - like you guys were already dating for so long. Yet again your ex did that, but it felt different, felt worse, but most of all it felt fake.

Slipping through the tropical butterscotch pinky-orange shadows of daylight you keyed the door handle silently. 

As you made your way down you saw a tired Law and energetic Luffy. Law was just trying to make his espresso in peace (now slamming the buttons) but Luffy kept pestering him with rhetorical questions about food, answering himself. He was only up earlier because Robin offered to make breakfast, who was, unlike Law, peacefully reading her hundred-paged novel. 

It smells so good...

"Good morning Y/n, how was your sleep?" She asked smiling. She sipped her tea fondly, smile never fading.

"Morning," Law deadpanned.

"Morning Y/N!!" Luffy cheered glowing with vigour. 

"Morning guys," you greeted. "My sleep was good, thanks."

Robin nodded passionately. "That's good to hear."

"Is there any breakfast left for me?" you said sweatdropping from Luffy's bubbly attitude.

 "Yes," Law grunted, sliding a plate full of waffles neatly embroidered with your favourite (topping/syrup). "Thank me for shielding this and eat it quickly before Straw Hat-ya gobbles it up."

You beamed with gratitude, Law was kind but it wasn't every day he took his energy to save something for you. "Thanks." Jokingly you snickered a , "you even put (topping/syrup)? You're being extra nice today Law."

He rolled his eyes. "Nico-ya made the stuff."

"I'll make some more," you offered. "Doesn't look like there is any more, plus, Luffy is still hungry and most of the people are still sleeping."

Robin chuckled. "There's still some of the batch in the fridge, I didn't use it all for that reason."

"Awesome." You pulled open the fridge and unwrapped the plastic sheet covered bowl. "This is some good stuff - the texture's exactly the ideal thickness, and it smells nice," you commented approvingly. "Would do with some chocolate chips though. It'd save you the time of having to melt and add them afterwards."

"I'm sure Sanji would approve," Robin interjected serenely. 

"I'm not gonna do it this time though, I don't think you guys have the chip ones in stock right now." You probed the kitchenette cupboards and shelves in search for the bag unconsciously humming.

"We should get some!" Luffy blurted.

"It's ok, Luffy," you said. "The batter Robin made is excellent already we don't even need the chocolates."

You scooped the mixed texture into the waffle maker, trying not to drip any remains outside of the mold.

"Morning," yawned Sabo walking towards the kitchen. "Smells good."

"Robin's help," you replied. Flipping out the waffles and drizzling some syrup you held out the plate expertly. Sabo thanked you and started feasting. As you sat down he whispered, "I have some connections with an army called the Revolutionaries but I need you to trust me on this."

high school romance - Zoro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now