Special: Luffy's Birthday 2

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This is the sequel of [Luffy's Birthday]. So please make sure you read that one first for the details. Any reader-chan is allowed to give me feedback pros or cons.

Note to remind myself to do one for Zoro ❤️

Part 2  ~ :

And there was Ace, Sabo, and Zoro.

You frowned. What are the brothers and Zoro doing here? It was like, 7 am.


"I know, I know, you have so many questions for me because I'm so popular," Ace said smugly. You gave him a dirty look and a disgusted face. Zoro slapped Ace on the back and smirked in laughter, which got a dirty look from SABO this time. And a "shut up". Looks like someone got to be best buds with them overnight.

"Idiot I wasn't going to ask WHY ARE YOU HERE, I was going to ask WHERE'S LUFFY?"

"Shh! It's Luffy's birthday today!" Sabo exclaimed excitedly. Your eyes widened. Zoro boredly leaned against your wall and yawned, desperately trying to stay awake. At least you weren't the only one almost drowsing off in this conversation. Not because of the topic, because of the timing.

Ace nodded. Thanks for the lovely commentary.

"You guys have something in mind, right?" Because you were too tired to think now. Maybe later-but that might be too late. 

Ace rolled his eyes. "Of course," he said like the answer was right in front of your eyes. "But you know Luffy-maybe Zoro doesn't a lot-instead of expecting something, he'll probably forget its even his birthday. We have tons of time." You snorted. That was true, you'd give him that. As long as you gave him meat he'd be happy for his birthday.

"Uh-if it's okay, can we come in?" Zoro asked, embarassed. "Its kinda...smoking out here."

No cap.

It is burning outside. May temperatures go wild.

(especially this year-for canada, anyway.)

Yep. Everyone looked at you hopefully. 

Zoro glanced at you. You opened the door wider for them to step in but stopped them halfway through.

"Law, we have company in the house," You called just to let him know.

"I'm going to kill you," Law called.

Ace was crazy. He messed everything up anywhere. That was why Law wasn't his biggest fan.

You slowly nodded-the way teachers do after a student says something that they don't believe sarcastically. "Don't mess up my house or you're going down."

"Scary threat there, Miss Y/N," Ace said observing your house. Which was already pretty messed up.

The guys stepped in your house and you led them to your room. "So what's the plan?" you said, sitting down.

Ace took the silence. "Breaking rules. Water guns-lots and lots of food (hearing an 'of course' from sabo) and maybe-just maybe we'll get suspended!!!"


So, for some goody two shoes like maybe some guys are such sucker ups to teachers and love being their pets. Maybe more of the people on the other side, like the ones you call "the Navy" because they're so obsessed with order and grades. On your side you're called Pirates because of how messy everyone is. People like Sabo, and Koala, and some other people are stuck in the middle.

Ya...no. As much as Ace had thought East Blue High was a prison, once again, it was just another home for you. Law when he was in a good mood would be cool and let anyone get suspended since he had his own share of annoyance. But recently that wasn't the case.

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