And I Told Tashigi

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The way back was awkwardly silent except for the occasional scuttling of steps along the way. Especially unsuitable too, for the incident a while ago.

You could feel Mihawk's alert gaze all the way from where you were. But hearing a "What's up, Hawky'?," in Shanks's voice just lit your day. You could tell why Luffy loved P.E so much. Shanks was pure hilarious. But it was beyond you about how Shanks and Mihawk got along. But as they say opposites attract. That was the definition of your relationship between you and Law.

Your thoughts winded to what Brook said about Robin potentially liking Law. Because of loss of family, you took his last name - Trafalgar. But you already had his middle name initial, D. Imagining Robin having that last name felt weird. It was hard for Law to even say yes to a girl in the first place. Even though he had girls on his trail at all times. It was your job to exterminate them fangirls.

But Zoro also probably had like, billions of girls on his trail.

"I wouldn't realize at all Law was your brother if you hadn't said so," Zoro interjected curiously. "You guys are really different."

"You have our exact definition, sir," you said casually with as much swagger as you could manage.

Finally you reached the place you dreaded for the first time. "We'll...explain this to Mihawk later."

Zoro knocked on the door heavily.

You could already hear the students packing up, and a Tashigi giggling, ready to out burst and gossip.

"Come in," A bold voice said.

"We're packing up already. What the heck could've took you so long?" Mihawk asked dismissively. 

"Principal S-Sengoku had a talk with us and D-Doffy," You stuttered simply.

Everyone except Tashigi had left by now. She mouthed, 'Koala and Nami will sooo want to hear this'.

"Doffy?" Mihawk prompted firmly. "That is bad news. What happened?"

"Nothing good with him," grumbled Zoro. "Why are the teachers who know him so abusive?"

You shot Mihawk an apologetic look even though you didn't disagree. "We got tied up because of Doflamingo," You summarized quickly.

"At least you talked with Sengoku. Alright. I'll forgive you this time, but until I get a meeting with Doffy, no more of this," Mihawk said sternly.

"Yes sir, thank you," You said in an appreciative tone.

Tashigi couldn't stop giggling. "But you lucky girl! Private party with the popular boys!" She said hysterical all hyper.

"They're my friends Tashigi," You sighed.

"Yo, Y/N!!" Luffy's loud voice echoed. "You're so slow! Did you forget extra break?"

"I would never!" you called back.

"This Zoro guy you are together with is pretty cool!!" Luffy yelled his voice ricocheting off the school walls.

Don't say it like that...

"We're not together!" You exploded in embarassment.

"Y/N!" A serene voice shouted your name.

"Koala!" You grinned. "How's it going?" Tashigi saddled away with Nami.

"Y/N!~ you know Tashi has a thing for Smoker!!" Koala giggled.

"Too much drama," you said dramatically.

"Says you!" She laughed. "There's words spreading all over the school about you courtesy of Tashi."

high school romance - Zoro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now