Meeting ASL

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Your jaw slacked.

He was more than just hot. His face was perfect, in a mesmerizing sort of way, like the way his jawline smoothed out on his chin, and his irises, and his ... moss-like hair. It was funny like someone as charming as him would get lost-the school wasn't too big.

What a way to plot-twist a school day.

Mihawk seemed completely normal as he guided Zoro inside the classroom.

Maybe you're more familiar with hot guys than I am!! A defensive voice in your mind put in.

The sheer expression Tashigi gave you made you realize that your cheeks were tinted pure red like her rectangle-framed glasses. Yeah, that was embarrassing enough already. She would happily tell Nami about this, and Nami, with all her past boyfriends, and tons of friends, would happily spread it there too.

I'm doomed.

Nami could be as bad as Ace when it came to teasing.

Mihawk told Zoro to go next to your seat.

Thank goodness Rosinante-san messed up the class desk chart and added an extra table at the side.

Just thinking of him made you giggle. The blond Corazon was always so clumsy and also almost set the outside gardens on fire, which pissed off most of the students, that was only one of the quiet places in the whole school. Most students always made fun of the teacher for slipping, or spilling drinks, when it wasn't even his fault, which made you want to punch the students in the face. How. Could. Anyone. Hurt. That. FLUFFBALL!!

Well, that thought escalated quickly.

As your eyes tried so hard to angle them away from Zoro's, there was a moment of eye contact between the two of you, which made you fluster even more.

"Your seat is over there, beside the h/c -coloured-hair girl named Y/N," Mihawk chimed in, "if you were confused, is all."

Zoro nodded. "Thanks, sir."

Perhaps it was your inner fangirl telling you to say something to him, but outside, you couldn't. You never had Luffy or Ace's guts anyway.

"Just call me Mihawk," he replied coldly, but in a protective sort of way, not the Doffy sort of way.

Goodness, everyone could be blamed on the Donquixote Family.

All those witty comebacks you'd said to yourself, or Tashigi or anyone else escaped your thoughts. You'd remembered your late mother's voice, giving you heartfelt advice the moment before she had died to the White Lead disease.

Mihawk started class, talking about the old pirate era, apparently there was a generation that was crazy and went wild over the didn't really pay attention.

You didn't mind most of the teachers because they all were nice (most of them), but you wondered how Zoro would take it.

Nami mentioned he was a big shot.

Tashigi blew a kiss mimicking you and then acted like someone blowing a kiss back.

I will end you. You thought.

He probably has a girlfriend already.

Don't get so worked up for nothing.

That thought made your heart sink. Of course he would have a girlfriend. Anybody would like him. He's not rude either.

You hated that feeling. But you couldn't let jealousy take over your mind...past experience.

Zoro raised his hand.

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