A Rival For a Lover

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"Strawhat-ya what the hell?"

"Ohhhh!! Tra-guy!!" Luffy said now hugging the young doctor by the neck, almost headlocking him.

"That's Law. He's training to be a surgeon and his gang is called the Hearts," you explained to Zoro, very honoured to be the mc of today's episode called Who flooded the bathroom?

"He doesn't look reckless," Zoro commented smirking.

"He's not!" You smiled. "The Strawhat gang and the Hearts have an alliance. He's really well collected and calm. He's my adopted brother."

A pang of sorrow swum through your chest. Rosinante...thank you. 

"So why is the bathroom flooded?! Ace-ya? Sabo-ya? Y/N-ya?" He said annoyed.

"Luffy turned three of the taps on full and closed all the doors," Ace said rather proudly. "I helped with it of cours-AGH!" Sabo jabbed him in the family jewels.

"The hallway is probably damp," Sabo interjected. 

"It is," Law said annoyed.

"I thought he was collected," Zoro said.

Law was terribly annoyed.

"When it comes to Strawhat, he gets on Law's nerves," You chimed in.

"I don't think he knows what an alliance is," Law grumbled.

"Now, now," you chided. Law sighed and leaned back against the wall. 

Ace gaped. "If you guys weren't siblings I would've thought you guys were dating! Nobody can get the captain of the Hearts to calm down in about two seconds," Ace remarked. Law just stood there. "But then Sabo would get jealous, because I swear he likes Y/N too."

"ACEE!!" You and Sabo screeched.

Ace was genuinely confused. "What'd I do?"

"Nobody would possibly like Y/N-ya at this point," Law snickered which earned him a push on the shoulder. 

"Not like you have a girlfriend either," You observed quite truthfully.

You were so deep into arguing with Law you didn't notice (mind your unconsciously unaware self) that the green-haired looked a little relieved to hear the either of your sentence.

Luffy was daydreaming about meat, so if the tap wasn't going to do the flooding, his saliva would. "What are you guys talking about...." Luffy said sleepily. "I'm sooooooooooo hungry. Zoro, what do you like?"

"Alcohol," he responded instantly.

"We all drink," you offered smiling.

He smiled back.

Inside you gasped.

"Isn't it a little weird that Y/N is hanging out with us in the boys' bathroom?" Sabo suddenly pointed out, a little flustered.

"What? You don't like my company?" You feigned sadness.

"Whoever does is delusional," Law smirked.

"I'm going to end you," You smiled.

A "fufufufufufu~" could be heard metres away, but still too close to dash out. Everyone except Zoro froze. 

"I'm doomed," you whispered mimicking a throat slash. "Mr. Doffy is going to snitch and Mihawk ain't gonna listen." Zoro frowned now understanding the situation. Bless his mind, Zoro switched off the lights.

"Fufufufufufu~ why is the pretty student in the boys' washroom with a bunch of small fries?" 

"Fries?" Luffy broke the pitiful silence.

Everyone died inside.

The blonde switched on the lights.

"What are you doing here?" You growled.

"I must ask you first," the Don Quixote reminded you snarkily.

"Don't play smart," Law said.

"You aren't allowed in the bathroom at this time, if I'm correct," Doflamingo quoted. "As much as I rebel against working under the principals of this school, I am strong on detention and rules." He turned to you. "As for you...you are allowed, anywhere, but I am just confused to as why."

He (unaware,) stepped a cold foot into the washroom, completely not have known about the water incident. 

"What the hell is this?!" He growled.

There was no drains on the floor, so the only thing the water was doing was spreading. At least the tap wasn't on. Doflamingo slammed his foot into the crystal liquid. 

"Are teachers supposed to do that?" Zoro yawned. "At first thought you should be a janitor." 

Doflamingo clenched his fists. "Who are you to say that?"

"Roronoa Zoro," Zoro said rather proudly.

"You. Are. Going. To. Explain. This. To. Me. And. TRY TO GET AWAY WITH IT UNDER ANNOYING SENGOKU'S FACE!" Doflamingo yelled kicking the water in poor Sabo's face who was the one who tried to stop it. It wasnt' fair. Nothing was fair in here. "All of you. In my headquarters. At once!"

At Donquixote's cue, two of his other gang members or, fellow teacher assistants, arrived and tangled a rope around all of you. Diamante. Pica. 

Zoro, obviously confused as hell, was muttering a "isn't this like, abuse? We're not pirates or anything.". He was listening to Mihawk for those 5 minutes after all. Throwing a rope around a group of people to try to get them to your office was definitely not the best idea. But because of you they got it easy. Doflamingo's torturing methods were weirdly painful. You've never experienced it, but apparently some have.

As you got (possibly) strangled alive, you were on your way to Doffy's office by accident of leading a boy to the washroom.

How nice.

Note the sarcasm.

"Is this normal for you guys?" Zoro breathed. He was sandwiched right beside you, with Ace on your left.

"Well, not me," You muttered. "For Doffy, this is normal." 

Without introductions, Zoro knew who you were talking about.

Law was raging. He tried to get his pocket knife out of his pocket but failed.

Sabo looked dead.

Luffy and Ace were chatting about fries, and why an enemy would call them something so good when they hate each other.

As you arrived (or got dragged into) Doffy's office you saw Sanji tied up as well. You also saw the middle school child, Sugar, eating grapes so casually like it was so normal to see a group of people tied up.

"Sanji! Give me some food once we leave!" Luffy grinned.

"Sanji! Why are you here?!" You asked.

"Sanji! Get us out of here!" Sabo desperately begged.

"Sanji! What about fries later?" Ace smiled sinisterly.

"Sanji-ya! What happened?" Law said.

"Shawn gee who?" Zoro asked genuinely.

"Y/N! I will KILL Doffy for tying you up, you're Nami's best friend! I don't even know where that bastard tied me up for!" Sanji yelled. He gave Zoro a glare. "My name is Sanji, MOSSHEAD!"


I made Law say Sanji-ya since wouldn't it be weird if he called him Black Leg-ya in a high school?

Sorry this chapter was shorter, forgive me, quicker update <3

Please give me a comment or vote to let me know if you enjoy my story. I am also open to suggestions and requests (Not like Character x reader maybe in the future, but like an event that will happen). Everything is very much appreciated thank you! 

I gasped. Our book reached 900 views. No way. TYSM! U guys are the best. 🫶🫶🫶🫶

Stay safe! If you guys have any questions or concerns Dm me, or ask, I'll try my best to answer it. 

Please call me Winter or Wolf or any other friendly nickname.

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