Celestial Dragon in the House

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Check for yourself ❤️✌️🤧

Holy shit guys this book actually reached 1k+ and I am out of words to say thank you!! This is my first book and I never imagined it would reach this goal. I appreciate it sosososososo much, thank you all!! ありがとうございます!! 真的很感謝!! Thank you so much!! ¡Gracias! Merci beaucoup! That's all I know lol. (French is a yes in Canada.) ❤️🤧❤️❤️❤️💪

Thanks for supporting this story! Stay safe and stay strong and let's stay nakama.

Longer story this time! <3


You saw Zoro and other gangs hanging out with each other the past week. Caesar had some business with Luffy and Law but Law said it wasn't too serious.

You'd been around him for the time for you to actually know him. It was serious.

He knew you knew he was lying but he still wouldn't say a word after you started pestering him about it. You were silent in his room when you confronted him.

"It has got to do with something about that blond bastard Doffy," You said thoughtfully. "Caesar though?" You thought about it. "What can I do in exchange for you telling me?" You pleaded. If you could help with anything you would. You needed to get something on your mind. Sabo restricted Ace and Luffy from inviting anyone to sleepover since they were so troublesome recently. Nami was helping Sanji out with work and the others were plain busy.

"It's Rosinante," You said with a sad smile. "What happened?"

Law clenched his fists. "Y/N."

No honorific.

"I'm your sister. You can trust me," You said hopefully intertwining your fingers clutching his hoodie.

He exhaled angrily before continuing. "You're right. It is Caesar, Cora-san, and Doflamingo." His eyes darted to find any trackers - you have to be aware about anything these days. Doffy was more and more of a threat, he punished students and almost killed them, hijacked their phones and blamed it on other students, even going as far as the Family wanted.

He pulled up a Google site on his laptop after checking any mysterious plugins or apps downloaded.

Doflamingo's situation was terrible. You couldn't even manage to tell the police since either they were his subordinates or Doffy got them hooked up on money, or drinks, or free weapons.

Watching Law prod the keys rapidly, you inched over to see , curiously, what Law was typing. There was some type of code he entered in and an image appeared that looked weirdly familiar.

No, three images.

Doffy's criminal ID.

"He was a criminal?" You asked, puzzled. "How did he even apply for EBH?"

"Have you ever heard of the most powerful royalty that once and now ruled the world called Celestial Dragons?" Law asked.

You nodded bitterly.

"Doflamingo is one. Look here," Law said, zooming in x4 in the corner of the ID.

"He's from Mariejois," You said unbelievably. "What?!"

"Exactly. And because of that power, Doflamingo can do whatever he wants," Law explained sourly. "See? Don Quixote Doflamingo." He spat out that word with distaste. "He's boasting about his title everywhere except any students or other teachers from EBH."

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