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WP never lets me add an image to the title page so here is one for you. 🥳


As you unintentionally dragged Zoro back to class, begging you wouldn't run into the psycho teacher. The greenette was probably thinking so too.

"Excuse me, miss Y/N," a voice boldly said.

You froze. It couldn't be Doflamingo....but..

Both of you turned your heads to come face to face with the Sengoku of all Sengokus.

"Uhm, what brings you here at this time, Mr S-?" You asked leering your gaze to the side.

"What brings you here brings me," He answered. "I heard about your run-in with Doffy. I swear we will fire him someday." His gaze was still, leaving anyone else's hazy.

The gaudy cape he had on that said "Intelligence" flowed as he stepped nearer.

"Now may I ask, why did that happen?" 

You gulped. You would rather cheat on 20 people than snitch on your best mates. Bless Zoro for understanding. He probably experienced it too.

"Mr. Mihawk made Y/N lead me to the washroom, but we got lost and accidentally dragged some of her other friends in the situation since they were also in the bathroom, but Doffy tied us up and reeled us in," Zoro explained calmly. You admired him greatly.

The way he explained it was perfect. It was impossible to not let anyone get into any trouble at all, so softening the blow was the way. You'd had quite a successful mini party with the brothers and your brother. Except for the kidnapping part, but in the end that worked out just fine. Thanks Baby.

Sengoku raised his eyebrows in approval. Satisfied and truthful in how steady Zoro said it, he turned to you. "I'd like to hear your story, Miss Y/N."

You hoped you wouldn't stumble in your words. "Exactly what Zoro said, I was leading him to the washroom, cause, you know, he's a new student, and Mr. Doffy ended up dragging Ace and the others into that," You said nervously.

Sengoku sighed. "Can't blame you two now. Head back to class, but always keep an eye out for Doffy. I have no idea why Akainu hired him in the first place. Apparently they had the same motives."

He paused before walking away.

You exhaled in relief.

"Was he that bad?" Zoro asked while squinting at his shadow moving away.

"He's a principal! THE principal, Zoro!" You said. "He can suspend my any time and Law's gonna kill me then!"

He looked completely unfazed like suspension was something normal for him. "What's wrong with getting suspended? At least you get school off."

Luffy always got suspended, maybe Ace at sometimes. His actions cause the school to go crazy. And no matter what he did the "Princess" Boa Hancock always had something for him.

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