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"D-Doflamingo!" You said, backing away.



He casually laughed.

"You're probably thinking about Law telling you that we were away for Diamante's birthday," Doffy said defining each word with pleasure. Enthusiastically, he added, "he needs to watch his mouth. We came back early from vacation-style summer Dressrosa to stop you and Law  from doing anything stupid." He paused, raising his hands, "we are teachers anyway."

"How did you know?!" You snapped backpedaling faster away from the blond.

He shrugged although it was a big deal. "I hired a hacker to install a screen recorder that doesn't show up at all for 24 hours. He did some modern work of transferring the data to his own laptop also shutting the wifi off some other devices because it took so much power. The mic was on."

"Idiot!! Then why are you not in Mariejois?" You asked clamming your fists on either side of your waist.

"I am truly impressed about how Law received my and Rosinante's IDs -- and Caesar's info card. That was the IQ of a Vegapunk but the personality of what i would do," Doffy grinned. "The boy is becoming like a Don Quixote."

"Answer my question and don't say that!" You yelled.

"My father took us to be stupid old humans. Our mother died because of that and I murdered my father. Rosinante kept alive," Doffy answered without a second thought.

"Why are you telling me everything?"

He picked at his finger flicking a piece of lint off his fluffy scarflike coat. "You can't get anyone else involved." He chuckled. "Who could you tell? Plus I could just kidnap you right now."

This man was getting on your nerves.

"Why, if Law just hadn't pulled up my criminal card I would still be on the beach in Dressrosa," Doflamingo said. "Sugar loved the seashells and everyone was having fun. What a pity we had to leave."

"Just steal some more from the bank and you can go on another 5-star trip!" You spat.

Beep beep.

"Miss Trafalgar Y/N, please return to your designated class immediately," an automated voice sounded from the hallway speakers. Doflamingo's smile dissolved. You ran away with him muttering "I'll let you go just this time."

They are. CREEPY!

You couldn't believe what Doflamingo had done or hired the hacker to do. Law's laptop was working perfectly fine. You wondered if your devices had got shut down due to the nearby energy loss he had talked about.

"Hey Y/N!" Luffy yelled with so much joy you were envious that he didn't know about any situation at the least.

Zoro wasn't there like he always was.

"Zoro's not here right now but I invited him for a sleepover! You're coming right?" Luffy said with baby doll eyes.

"Of course," you laughed nonchalantly.

"Yeah! This will be AWESOMEEE!" Luffy grinned. "I thouht you were at class."

"I thought you were at class too," You commented.

"The announcement thing rang for you! Let's go! You have music tomorrow and it's not even a month till summer! That's what Sabo said anyway."

"Brilliant child," you smiled.


You kicked off your cute bunny slippers you had dragged all over your house. Law apparently was at the sleepover too already since he went with them first thing after school.

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