The bath

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"It's still fucking cold!" Cat whined as she wrapped her jacket around herself tighter, "What's the point of a vacation if it's still cold."

"The point is you get to be with the people in your major," Tree said, now walking beside her.

"You say that like we've decided, we're taking the basics of everything. I have no idea what I want to do," Cat said.

"Got me there but it's more fun to say major, then you feel like you picked something," he responded.

Their university had decided to have the students go on a weekend get-away because of the lack of friendships and bonds being formed. They separated them by major so they will have at least one thing in common.

They were split amongst three hotels: Fantasia, West Coast Hotel, and Newark Resorts.

Tree, Cat, and the rest of the people in their major were taken to Fantasia. It was apparently a luck of draw. Seriously, the teachers picked from a hat to see who went where.

Cat was more then excited to be inside where it was warm, the chilling weather of ending autumn was something she didn't enjoy. Tree took this to his amusement, seeing how she tried to wear her jacket tighter.

"Little cold there Cat?" He teased, leaning down to look at her.

"Unlike you, mister vampire, I'm warm blooded so yes, I am cold!" She frowned, her brows furrowed as she glared at him, "Are we almost there I feel like we've been walking forever."

"Shouldn't have walked in shoes like that. Normal people wear actual shoes instead of a wedge," Tree pointed out, "But yes, it's right there."

It was absolutely massive. A huge marble building with a huge glittery title of Fantasia across the front. Cat shrieked out of excitement and rubber her hands together quickly.

She instinctively grabbed Tree and started to snake through people. "We need the best room, therefor we need the first key."

Tree just laughed and shook his head as he let himself be dragged along through he couldn't disagree with her point.

Other students started to get the same idea and soon enough it was just a barge of kids slipping through the front, a few of them getting trapped in the spiral doors. Cat luckily not being one of them. She snatched up a key. 405.

She held it up to Tree, who had gotten trapped in the door with a few others. He gave a thumbs up and wiggled his way out of the door, pushing past students. She couldn't contain her laugh.

"Oh yes so so funny," he rolled his eyes as he dropped her bag in front of her. "Thank you for carrying my bag! Oh no problem Cat."

Cat just laughed more. Once she could container herself she picked up her bag and led the way to the elevator. "Did you catch the number?" She asked.

"405. You yelled it across the whole lobby, I wouldn't be surprised if someone came knocking at our door tonight," Tree sighed.

"Be my roomate! My trip buddie! It's going to be great!" She begged Tree to become her travel buddy and to share a room with her for the trip.

He couldn't help but smile at her pleading. "What do I get out of it?"

"Uh you don't have to pair up with Lava," she scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I'll think about it," he said.

"This will be great just you wait and see! You'll like it," she said as she spun the key on her finger as they walked to the elevator.

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