The Slopes

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Tree stared at his bag. It lay open with random articles of clothing shoved inside it. He had called Cat in hopes of her coming over to help him out but to also maybe spend some time with her before he left for his trip. By the sounds of it, it sounded like she was at another party. She said she would come though.

He scratched the back of his neck, sitting down on his bed. He was supposed to be chill. He was the one who told her to enjoy her college years and to have fun while it lasted so why was he so perturbed? Just when he thought about texting her again, he heard the front door open.


He rose and so did the smile on his face. He walked out of his room. She wore one of her typical party going outfits. He took her in, his brows furrowing upon seeing her tussled hair and smudged lip gloss. Something about it just irked him, knowing there was a reason behind it and he wasn't it.

She stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around him. She smelled of alcohol and signature perfume. He wrapped his arms around her slowly. He wasn't sure what to say. Either way, she beat him to it.

"Can't believe you didn't tell me you were gunna be leaving! And why are you going somewhere colder?" Cat said as she hugged him, her voice whiny and strung out thanks to her drinking earlier.

"Cat, have you had any water yet?" He asked, running a hand through her hair, trying to straighten it out again.

She shook her head and slowly pulled herself and him towards the kitchen. "I left as soon as you called so I didn't grab one. I was kinda busy winning cup pong."

"Cup pong again huh? Were you kicking ass like usual?" He asked as he got down her cup from the cabinet and filled it with water.

"Obviously, Ember and I took first place," she said as she took a big gulp of water.

Tree paused, "You went with Ember? Wasn't he at another party?"

Cat nodded, still drinking. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and set her cup down. "Uh-huh. He and I won at that party too!"

Tree wasn't too happy about this. Ember had taken a liking to Cat from that first encounter and he doubted that attraction just sunk. He was a guy and he knew how guys thought. Ember was definitely still trying to get with her. Who wouldn't? Just look at Cat.

"Come on, you're supposed to help me pack you know," Tree said and nodded towards his bedroom.

Cat picked her cup up and followed Tree to his room, nearly tripping over the kitchen chairs. She set the cup onto the nightstand and climbed into his bed. She examined his bag with a frown and dumped it out. She slowly began sorting through the clothes and folding them neatly.

Tree grabbed more clothes from the closet and held them out for her to pick from. Her work slowly started to slow down. She stuffed the last sweater into the bag and reached out for him. He grabbed the bag and placed it on the floor.

He climbed into bed beside her. She snuggled into his chest instantly. His arms worked around her waist with ease. This was a regular position for the two when it came to cuddling. Tree was out of it though, knowing she had been with Ember. She knew he'd been with other girls, Lava in particular, but why did it feel so, awful?

"Cat, can I ask you something?" Tree asked as he gently rubbed her back.

"Mhmn." She hummed, too tired for words.

"Do you," he hesitated, "Do you love me?"

She glanced up at him and shook her head no. "I thought I wasn't supposed to. We agreed no feelings."

"I know, I was just wondering was all," he said. "Rest, you need it. I won't be here when you wake up though. I've got to leave early."

She groaned in disapproval but nodded regardless. She snuggled back into him, tugging the blanket up to cover herself and him. Both slept, Cat more soundly than Tree. His thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of his feelings.

The next morning, as Tree promised, Cat woke up alone. She sat up and drank the remaining water in her cup from last night and opened a text from Tree. It read as follows.

'See you when I get back. Slopes don't have the best service so I'll message you when I can.'

She vaguely recalled his question last night. Did she love him? No. That would be against the rules they made. But she cared about him a lot. Missed him when he was gone too. She shoved that away, sent a thumbs up to Tree and messaged Ember.

'Hey Ember, I'm sorry about last night. I can make it up to you tomorrow if you want to come over to my dorm.'

She slid her phone onto the night stand and got up. She needed a shower. She got up, stretched herself out and walked into the bathroom. Bottles of her regular soaps were lined against the wall next to his. She looked away from them as she turned on the water and took off her clothes.


Tree plopped his bag down onto the bed in their cabin. He went with a handful of his friends and his friends' friends. He couldn't help but wonder about Cat and he kicked himself for it. He would use this weekend to get his mind off her and enjoy some warm liquor after gliding in the cool snow all day.

Everyone was in agreement to hit the slopes as soon as possible. They all filed in and unpacked what was necessary before preparing for the snow. Tree wore a few layers but made the top one easily removable if he got warm. They all gathered around and set up a time to meet back and they all split into their little groups.

Tree sat on the lift alone, gazing at the white snow. The glare from the sun reflected off the snow and he slid his goggles down. He swung his legs back and forth, his feet already secured on his board. This would be good for him. Maybe all they needed was some space. Maybe he'd find someone to distract him from Cat too.

He let his thoughts slide away as he glided across the snow. The frigid wind howled pasted him as he navigated through people also sliding down the slope. This was just what he needed. He sighed as he let himself zoom down the frozen hill.

An hour before dinner, he met up with the group again. They all shared of their adventures on the slopes. Caidence had a really nasty wipe out with a forming bruise to prove it, and Skyler had been there to witness it. While she complained, he laughed. Conan went solo, much like Tree had for the majority of the time but then met up with Octan later on. ViVi jumped around the entire time from hill to hill.

At dinner, the group ate and ViVi was the first to suggest shots. With nothing to lose, everyone joined in. One round led to two and two lead to five and so on. Soon enough they were being kicked out of the restaurant for causing a disturbance. Tree laughed as ViVi tripped over the sidewalk crack. Octan was trying to show off his singing skills in a duet with Caidence. Conan was giggling to himself about something while Skyler tried to keep the drunks halfway together as if he wasn't one himself.

Somehow, they made their way back to the cabin. Skyler vomited and then went to bed, claiming he was done for the night while Conan laughed and called him a lightweight. Conan dipped out next. Caidence and Octan were sitting across from Tree and ViVi. Octan had made a bet that he would get lucky tonight with Caidence and Tree made a counter bet with ViVi.

Tree whispered into her ear and said that if she slept with him tonight, she'd get laid but also a cut of the money that was placed on the bet. ViVi laughed and wrapped an arm around his neck before kissing him. She ultimately drug him into her room and the two did not come out the remainder of the night. Octan on the other hand was not so lucky. Caidence had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

He carried her to her room before he went to his. The weekend was a basic repeat of the day. They would get up, have breakfast, spend the day on the slopes, have dinner, get drunk, sleep, and repeat. Through the alcohol, the chilling thrill of the slopes, and ViVi, Tree managed to keep Cat out of his mind.

After all, she was right. They had said whatever was going on between them was anything but love. They both had stupidly agreed. That's how Cat ended up curled up in Ember's arms after another party and how Tree ended up between ViVi's legs night after night on the slopes.

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