Alternate route: A Valentines Party

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People started to flow in and Cat moved out of the way to hide her bag of fruity waters in a cabinet. She kept her phone in one hand and her cup in the other, inspecting the people who arrived and seeing who she recognized. No sign of Tree or where he had gone. No biggie, they'd catch up later.

Tree was not having it with this new guy, not having it at all. If Cat wanted to have fun with this Ember guy, he could have fun with someone else too. Tree drank up, cup after cup until he had lost count. He had been talking to multiple girls throughout the night but none of them were like Cat.

He had been talking to this one girl for a while, and she might make the cut for tonight. But then he saw them, Ember and Cat, leaning on each other and he was playing with her hair too? Why was he so upset by this? Was this to make him feel jealous? Cat looked up at him then and waved.

Tree ignored it and turned to the girl, he had already forgotten her name, Lilly or something. Didn't matter. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. She didn't expect it and her cup went tumbling to the floor. This had Cat's full attention as well as Ember's.

Cat looked at him, there was this solid glare in her eyes, beckoning, darling him to come closer. To deny that girl and come to her instead and that's  exactly what he did. Maybe it was just the alcohol that made him feel this way but when Cat sat up and opened her arms to him he didn't hesitate to climb into her lap.

Her arms wrapped around him and he kissed her. Cat smirked and accepted every one of those kisses. He looped his arms around her neck as he kissed her again and again. Ember left to sit there in disbelief, had scooted away, not quite believing what was going on.

Cat put a hand up to his chest to stop him, "Tree, who do you belong to?"

"What.?" He hesitated, just looking at her.

"I asked, who do you belong to?" She repeated.

"You. I belong to you."

She nodded and dropped her hand to allow him to get close again. He kissed her as soon as her hand was out of the way. She snaked a hand into his hair, pulling away again.

"Apologize. I want you to apologize for dirtying that mouth of yours by kissing that other girl," Cat said.

He whined, all he wanted to do was be kissing her. Why couldn't she hold off the apology? She was not in the mood to wait, she made that known by giving his hair a tug.

"Go on. Apologize," she cooed.

He leaned forward to whisper into her ear, "I'm sorry mommy. I'm sorry Cat, Cat."

Her cheeks grew warm as she released him, "Good boy, apology accepted."

He sighed out of relief, going back to kiss her again. He got what he wanted: Show off to Ember, kiss Cat, and get the thought of those other girls out of his head. All he really did need was Cat, it was prove to him time and time again. Cat is what he wants, what he needs.

Ember frowned at the pair from across the table. He didn't need Cat, he could have her if he would be treated like a pet. But Tree was far more then a pet and they both knew that.

Spell checked <3

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