A Valenties Party

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It had been a few days past Valentines Day when a letter welcomed Cat home on the floor. She crouched to pick it up before heading inside of her dorm. The envelope itself was a shade of pink and sealed with a heart sticker. She raised an eyebrow and opened it. It was an invitation to a party in another dormitory. It must have been sent by someone in her major.

The collage really encouraged everyone to get along so a party was and easy thing to get them to accept. She read the letter, taking out the useful bits of information: bring your own cup, bring your own alcohol, and you can bring up to two people.

With that in mind, she pinned the letter onto the cork board near her door. She would remember to ask Tree if he wanted to go with her. Sure he had graduated last winter but who's to say he wasn't welcome back on campus for a party?

She kicked off her shoes and set her bag onto the table. She plucked an empty grocery list sheet from the note pad and wrote a small list. Alcohol, pretty cup, solo cups, ping pong balls. The last party she was at they ran out of balls so why not bring extra just in case, plus she kicked ass at beer pong.

She hummed and stuck the list in her bag. The part wasn't until tomorrow night so she had time to go get the items tomorrow mornings. As for now she had to see if Tree would join her. She snatched up her phone and wandered to the couch while she typed up a message.

"Hey, this cool cat wants to know if you'd want to join her for a valentines party in dormitory c tomorrow."

Tree surprisingly answered back right away.

"Do you know who's all going?"

"Not sure, just got the invitation today, it was I can bring two people if I want."

"Me and who?"

"I was planing on just bringing you. I know there's going to people who bring like five people.  That is if you want to go with me."

"Sure. What time?"

"Invite said 6 so let's aim for 5:30. That way we can be there before the already tipsy people."

"Alcohol is going to be there?"

"Mhm! I'm picking up a bottle of Bacardi tomorrow morning. Oh and you have to bring your own cup."

"Own cup got it. I'll bring a bottle of whatever I've got."

"Sounds good. I can meet you at the campus front at 5:15ish?"


"I'll see you tomorrow then"

"See you."

She smiled and let out a soft sigh. It would be great. She couldn't remember the last time their major got together just to have fun other then the holiday in December. Either way it was a good way to see and meet more people. What would she wear? What would she wear? She shot up and almost ran to her closet.

What screamed 'I kick ass at beer pong' and 'I'm pretty'? She flipped through shirts and dresses until she found what she was looking for. A black silky dress, tight with tie straps on the shoulders. She found a white, thin, long sleeved shirt to go under it, seeing as it was still February. She found some nice heels, black with little white beads around the ankle that would go perfect with it.

She laid it out on her desk chair and started to rummage in her jewelry box. She found some white bows and debated if they'd take away the 'bad ass' look she was going for. She held them up to her ears and decided to pass on them. She kept looking until she found some silver cuffs. Those would work just fine. She paired it with a few chain necklaces and was all set.

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