Doused Embers

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Ember sits with Ruby in his lap but he isn't thinking about her. The party seems to continue on around him while he feels frozen in time. This was nearly the same situation a month ago except he had a beautiful feline woman in his arms instead of this red shiny woman.

Ember missed Cat. He hadn't seen or heard from her in forever. He remembered the way her pointy canines were visible when she really smiled and how her tongue stuck out when she was aiming in cup pong. She must've been a year older or younger because she wasn't in any of his classes. He didn't even see her at lunch.

Ruby waved a hand in front of his face, golden rings glistening in the disco lights. "Hey! Earth to Ember! Are you even paying attention right now?"

Ember frowned and pushed her hand away, "Yeah I was. Get up so I can pee."

He didn't have to pee. What he had to do was find Cat, get into contact with her somehow. Ruby gave him a weird look but stood. Ember got up and walked away. He locked himself in the bathroom and pulled out his phone. He didn't have Cat's number, but he knew just how to find her.

He google searched her and the college the attended to try and find her. He hoped it would lead to some type of social media she had. After what seemed like hours of scrolling, he found it. On the school's Instagram there was a Snapchat tree and Cat's was on it. She was in the picture, sticking her username to one of the paper branches.

He zoomed in and copied the username: CatzAreCool2

It was definitely something she would put as a username. He went into Snapchat and searched it. Sure enough, there she was. He clicked the add button and waited for the add back notification. He spent the rest of the night checking his phone.

Cat on the other hand, was over at a different house party. This one was hosted by one of the football boys and she had been added to the group chat by someone who knew her from ping pong. Cat was tipsy and leaning over the edge of the table, tongue out, aiming the small plastic ball.

She didn't know how long she had been there, but she was a few drinks in and a few wins into cup pong. She had lost her phone halfway through the night when someone asked to call their friend. She hadn't gotten in back. She shot the ball into the red cup with ease and her partner high-fived her.

"Hey! Nice shot kitty cat! Usually, you go for the middle first but you're a daredevil goin' on the edges huh?" The man said.

She only laughed and watched as the opposing team shot their ball. The night continued that way; Drunken laughter and spilt drinks, balls bouncing and hands clapping. Cat's team had won of course, just like how she said they would.

In the morning, Cat woke up with glitter on her skin, confetti stuck in her hair and her phone stuck to her face. When had she gotten that back. She peeled it off her skin and unlocked it. Only 13% left. She checked her messages and shot Tree a good morning text. What she hadn't realized was the mass amount of snapchats she had.

She cautiously opened the app and saw thousands of 'Say Hi!' Message prompts. Whoever had her phone must've added all these people. She groaned and scrolled through them mess, trying to see if she knew anyone at least. She paused, a name with sparkle emojis catching her eye.

🧨✨Ember B.✨🧨

Ember. He was the one from that party a while back. He had sent her a chat last night too according to the time stamp. It was a party invitation. It was for April 27th, a Friday night. She contemplated the idea. They were a killer cup pong duo, and it could be nice to catch up. She replied.

'Hey Ember- as long as we're partners for cup pong I'll be there.'

Cat then went about the house gathering her things. She had some studying to do tonight before school tomorrow on Monday and she had already received her warning last time from Mr. Sand about being late. Before long she was back in her dorm, really missing her apartment. She couldn't wait for April to be over, for school to be over, and for summer to come around full swing.

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