chapter 1

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If I hear another comment saying that this story is cringe or bad.Im deleting this


Akaza's pov

Huh?where am i? Wait im in the infinity fortress...THAT MEANS AN UPPERMOON DIED please be douma!


Great the universe does really hates me so much

"what do u want?" I replied,clearly mad about his presenve

"Nothing!~.i was just worried that u died so i looked around to find you~" he said while grinning



3rd person pov
"Muzan-sama has arrived"

"today we have a new uppermoon,she will be sharing the rank with uppermoon 2.You are all dismissed" muzan said before asking nakime to teleport him

Douma's pov

Wahhh!! There is a new uppermoon and its a girl! I must go talk to her i thought as i walked towards her

"Hello~ whats ur name im douma!" I greeted her

"oh uh hello douma! Im prea nice to meet you" she replied

"nice to meet you too!~ would u like me to escort you to your room?~" i said while having a huge grin

"oh um sure" she agreed while smiling nervously

"great lets go!"

I could tell she was looking at someone but who? Hm ill just go take her to her room i guess

Prea's pov

This man is so energetic i hate it and he looks like a pervert.Wait who's that?OMG HE LOOKS SO HOT.Shit i think he saw me anyways i gotta go now to my room with this weirdo blugh

Akaza's pov
Is it just me or did i felt someone staring at me?hm its probably nothing
Wait..isnt that the new uppermoon and...SHES STARING AT ME DO I LOOK BAD?AND IS THAT DOUMA?! Does douma like her?.. damn wait.AM I FRICKING JEALOUS?! HELL NAH well i mean he is nice and hot-SHUT IT THOUGHTS ugh im just gonna go to my room

Douma's pov
"And here is your room!bye prea!" I said

"bye douma thanks by the way!"she replied shouting

since im already far away.Now im gonna go to akaza-donos room! Hmm i cant wait to see his beautiful face again! Wait what?.. beautiful? Do i like akaza-dono? NO WAY I LIKE HIM okay i changed my mind im not going to his room im just gonna go to daki to ask her about this.Oh there she is i said as i ran up to her

"hello daki! Can i talk to you?"

"Hm sure i guess" she said confused

"okay so uhm i was thinking of going to akaza-donos room earlier and i was lost in thoughts then i called him beautiful in my thoughts"i told daki then i looked at her she was smiling a BIG smile

"oh uhm whats wrong?"i asked confused

"OMG YOU LIKE HIM" she shouted

"daki please lower ur voice and how am i gonna tell him-" i said as i got interrupted by none other than prea

Prea's pov
Whos akaza?was it the hottie i saw earlier? AND DOUMA LIKES HIM?! NO HES MINE I WONT LET THAT PERVERY TELL HIS FEELING TO AKAZA HES MINE AND I WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT.Just you wait my dear akaza~ ur mine and no one else~ i finished as i walked into the room and interrupted douma

"hello guys!" I said with a fake smile

"oh hello prea!" Douma replied as well as daki

"what yall up too?"

"Oh um nothing and can u go outside prea?not to be mean but-"

"okay sure!and btw have u guys seen akaza?"i asked

"oh yeah hes in his room,why tho?" Daki said

"oh nothing!" Now this is my chance im gonna go inject the love potion on him but i gotta make sure hes asleep

"Your only mine akaza~ mine~"

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now