chapter 10

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Akaza's pov
Urgh...where am i? Oh yeah im in douma's room i tried to stand up but quickly fell that bastard went too rough!

"Akaza-dono are you okay?"

"Do you think i look okay bastard?!"

"Geez akaza-dono lets just go to the main meeting platform,come im gonna carry you on my back" he said as he carried me on his back and ran
to the meeting platform

"hey guys!" He greeted the other uppermoons

"oh hey...where's akaza?" prea asked as i peeked out of his back

"uh why are you carrying him?" Prea said with irk marks on his face

"oh! uhm- about that...he cant walk!"

"Why?" Daki asked

"i went too rough i guess,hehe!"douma grinned

"YOU GUYS FUCKED?!" Daki said with her mouth open

"you bastard!" I said as i smacked his head,everyone looked shocked even prea

"OOOH THEY FUCKED-" daki squealed

"geez..." i mumbled

"anyways me and akaza-dono are gonna go somewhere...see you guys later!" Douma said as he went into a forest then he took me to a cliff

"uh douma why are we here??" I asked

"come on akaza-dono just sit here and wait for the fire works!"

"Fire works?.." i mumbled as i sat down beside him and looked up as fire works started to blow "

woah.." i said,i was mesmerized and it some what felt familiar? Douma stood up and stuck out his hand and i held it and stood up,i looked at him with a confused face then he said

"akaza...ive been meaning to tell you this..ever since i met you i started to felt emotions..i asked daki what was that feeling then she told me it was called love..akaza i love you do you wanna be together?"

"Yes!of course!" I was shocked to be honest but how could i resist him?ii loved him too for a long time douma smiled a warm smile

"lets go back to the infinity fortress and tell the others!" He said as he grabbed my hand and started to run back to the infinity fortress (his legs magically healed lol)

"hey guys!"

"Oh hello douma back so soon?how was the hang out!" Daki said

"good!and we have some thing to tell you guys!"douma said as he lookked at me and looked at the uppermoons again

"oh what is it?" Kaigaku asked

"me and akaza-dono are dating now!" Everyone had their eyes wide open

"OMG REALLY?!" Daki screamed

"h-hey ur joking right? Akaza this is a joke right?"

"Oh come on prea just give up-" daki got cut off as we all felt muzan-sama presence,and then killed prea.Everyone got chills on their spine as muzan said

"you didnt went to my office like i told you to,you shall die" muzan turned to akaza

"you and douma are dating?what a suprise"

"yes" geez he so scary

"akaza i can read your mind"

"my apologies muzan-sama" i said as he teleported away

Time skip
"Hey akaza-dono!" Douma said

"what is it?" I asked

"I LOVE YOU!" Douma shouted i turned red and he giggled

"you BASTARD!" I said "but i love you too..."

"hehe i know;)"

"COME BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!" I shouted as i started to chase him

"CATCH ME IF U CAN HAHAHAHAH" douma laughed as i soon got tired and stopped

"fine you *pant* win *pant*"


Quick and wholesome chapter (i think so?)

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now