chapter 4

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Akaza's pov

Ever since the first day that prea was here i have been feeling feelings for her or should i say him i felt like im falling for him. No way i just met her a few days ago and im already feeling feelings for her impossible.i thought as i hissed and looked at my arm wait whats that?it looks like i got injected heh wait..INJECTED?!- i finished thinking as all i saw was black

Time skip

Akaza's pov

"Ugh my head hurts,where am i?"i mumbled as i looked around

"HOLY SHIT.oh its just you guys,what am i doing here?"i asked shocked a little

"well prea saw you passed out on the floor so he took you here,and btw akaza why are your pupils heart shaped?" Dakis last sentence made me shocked

"HEART SHAPED?! WHAT?!"i screamed as i looked in the mirror daki gave me

"welp sorry akaza idk how it happened.." she got cut off as prea entered the room with douma and it looks like they got into a fight

"whoa what the hell happened to you both"gyutaro said shocked at their state i felt my heart boiled seeing that douma hurted prea i walked up to prea and hugged him

"did douma do this to you?"i asked

"yes,he did akaza.."he replied

"what?akaza-dono thats not true!"douma tried to tell the truth but i cut him off

"SHUT UP!HOW DARE YOU HURT PREA!"I shouted at him everyone was shocked on how i was acting.

"Hey akaza whats gotten into you?" Kaigaku asked

"shut up! Btw prea you wanna hang out?:D"i said with a smile

"sure!"he said as we run out of the infinity fortress

Douma's pov

What the hell just happened?something is definitely off with akaza

"why was akaza acting like that?" daki asked

"eek!- im never going close to prea again!" Hantengu said with fear

"idk about you guys but thats definitely not akaza" gyutaro said

"ikr"kaigaku replied everyone looked at kokushibo waiting for an answer and he looked shock

"hey,whats wrong why are u shocked?" Daki asked i could tell she wa scared

"akaza..his eyes...theyre heart.."kokushibo said

"we all know so what about it?"gyutaro said

"love potion...akaza got injected by a love potion..." what?love potion? PREA MUST HAVE INJECTED IT TO AKAZA

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!PREA INJECTED THAT TO AKAZA!" Everyone looked shocked at my mad state

"whoa whoa calm down douma-"kaigaku said trying to calm me down

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?! HE TOOK MY AKAZA FROM ME!" I was gritting my teeth so hard

"your what?!"everyone said shocked except kokushibo since he already went to tell muzan about the situation


"sorry douma i cant"

"why not?huh? ANSWER ME!?" i shouted everyone looked at me scared

"if your not gonna tell where they are im going to find them myself"i said as i ran outside the infinity fortress

"douma wait!come back!" Daki shouted as she tried to make me come back,jokes on you im not gonna come back until i find where that son of a bitch took my beloved akaza he had no rights to do that plus he had only been here for a week,i swear if i find him im gonna crush his head and kill him idc if muzan punish me for that but thats my akaza were talking about

"Im gonna find you and kill you prea just wait.."

Finally i made this on lunch lmao anyways byee

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now