Chapter 11

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3rd person pov

"What do you want?" A pinkette said as he looked at his so called superior who was grinning at him

"do you want to go on a date?"

"What?ur joking right?"

"Haha just kidding anyways muzan-sama said there is gonna be a meeting tomorrow!"

*is this bastard dumb?* akaza thought

"are you serious douma?"


"THE MEETING IS LITERALLY TOMORROW AND UR TELLING ME THIS NOW?!" Akaza said while shouting at a blondie

"well..i wanna tell you now because i wanna talk to you!"

"Tsk..just get this over with!"

"Okay!come" douma said

As he took akaza's hand and went to his cult

"uhh why are we here?"

"I wanna show you something come!" Douma said as he dragged akazaonce more

"what's with you pulling me!"

"Shhh akaza-dono ur gonna wake my followers up!"


"oh were here!"

"Why are we in ur room?" Akaza asked as douma walked over to a table and grabbed a small maroon box

"here!open it!" Douma grinned

"uh okay.." akaza said as he opened it and saw a necklace

"do you like it?" Douma asked

"its gorgeous..." akaza said as he wore the necklace around his neck

Btw the necklace looks like this

Btw the necklace looks like this

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"Thank you douma,but why?"

"Nothing i just felt like it!"

"Thank you" akaza thanked douma one more time and hugged him douma was shocked because this is the first time akaza had hugged him,he hugged back

"i love you akaza.."

"i love you too douma..." they said as they kissed

sorry this was short it was rushed


294 words

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now