christmas special

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3rd person pov

"Akaza-dono!" A blond said while running towards a pinkette


"Ur already mine but why are you still so mean to me:<"

"tsk..what do you want?"

"Its christmas!"

"Douma its already december 28th are u dumb?"

"Hehe i know but i still want to celebrate!"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Lets go!were gonna go iceskating!"

Akaza's pov
Hes such a cutie...anyways lets go i dont wanna deal with his whine later,i only accepted because muzan-sama is probably gonna punish me if i dont

Douma's pov
Im so glad akaza-dono agreed!i wonder why tho?meh he probably just loves me so much that he decided to come with me,eek im so excited!im gonna show him my skill heh...ive been practicing soo im pretty good

3rd person pov



"You need to go to ur human form!"


"People might be weirded out!"

"So u care about them more than me?"

"Its not like that!i just dont wanna see them looking at u weirdly"

"fine but give me some clothes its so fucking cold"

"Okay!" Douma said as akaza went into a shop and while douma was buying clothes akaza turned into his human form

"akaza-dono you there?"

"Yes now give me the cloithes im shivering!"

"Okay!" Douma gave akaza the clothes then akaza stepped out


"tch s-shut up.." akaza mumbled as he blushed

"come lets go!"

"Were here!"

"There is so many people..."

"do you not wanna go? We can go home"

"no no its fine!.." akaza gulped

"wait let me get the shoes"

"okay ill wait here" douma went to go to the shoe area and got two for the both of them and went back to where they are supposed to meet

"akaza-dono im back!i got the shoes now wear it!"

"Why is mine pink and urs is yellow?"

"Its because of our hairs!"


"Come on lets just skate akaza-dono!" Douma grabbed akaza's hand and went into the rink

"akaza-dono look!"

"Be careful douma you might-. . . . .fall" akaza ran up to douma

"ow.." douma scratched his head

"you bastard!are you dumb?i told you to be careful yet you didnt!"
Akaza scolded douma and helped him get up

"lets just skate normally"

"what ever you say akaza-dono!" They skated until the area was about to close

"Lets go back to the fortress they might be waiting for us"

"hm okay!" They took off the shoes and ran back to the infinity fortress

"hey guys!" Douma smiled as he greeted the other

"hey douma!where were you guys?" Daki asked

"we went ice skating!" Douma grinned even more,daki looked like she was about to cry

"You guys didnt invited me?!:(" she said

"it was a date..." akaza mumbled

"still! You should have still invited me!" She started to cry loudly i lookked around and turned to douma with a 'help me' face

"hey hey me and douma will invite you next time,right douma?" I turned to lookk at him and he understanded what i meant

"of course!just ask and we'll invite you!" Douma happily said

"really? Yay!" Daki smiled as she wiped her tears and went to her brother

"Well that was akward" akaza said

"akaza-dono i wanna eat!"

"We just came back!"

"I wanna eat:("

"urgh fine" the two went outside to eat and luckily they found two mens well not for douma

"hey here eat" akaza gived douma the men and they started to eat

"Woah,ur not disgusted douma?"


"Well- i mean ur not eating women"

"oh yeah about that since were together now i wanna respect you;)"

"why are you winking?"


"Okay weird..." there was a long silence until douma decided to break it

"akaza-dono i have a question"

"what is it?"

"Have you ever liked someone before we got together??" The question made akaza sweat dropped,and many question raced through his mind

Douma didnt liked the silent treatment

"akaza-dono did you like someone else before we got together?" Douma's tone darkened and akaza didnt like that so he stayed silent

"answer akaza-dono" douma was starting to lose his patience

"i-i uhm-...yeah..i did"

"really then whos the person?" Akaza decided to annoy douma by saying the name of the person douma secondly hated the most

"kokushibo" douma looked at akaza

"ur kidding right?" Akaza stayed silent and continued to eat

"Well..i guess its fine!" Douma tried to hide his annoyance and just ate,akaza was glad that situation was over.He looked at his back and saw that dawn was breaking

"douma lets go the sun is about to come up!" Akaza said as douma stood up and they began to run back to then fortress

"Phew..." akaza was panting since he was weaker than douma

"akaza-dono lets go to my room im tired.." douma whined "

stop whining! Lets just go!" Akaza turned to walk to the room but douma catched up and carried akaza on his shoulder

"what-DOUMA PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" akaza banged on douma's back but douma didnt care and just continued to his room

"Were here!" Douma placed akaza on the bed and laid down with him

"akaza-dono can we cuddle" douma asked with his puppy eyes akaza just looked at him and turned to the other side too tired to even care about the situation

"fine if ur not gonna answer ill do it myself!" Douma huffed as he hugged akaza

"I love you akaza-dono!"
No response was heard he looked at akaza and saw that he was asleep

"heh i better go to sleep now too" he closed his eyes and pulled akaza to his chest while caressing his hair soft pink hair and fell asleep

HEYAA SOOO I DECIDED IM GONNA CONTINUE THIS STORYY,i have a lot of new chapter ideas in mind:>

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now