chapter 6

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Prea's pov

Hm?where am i?wait....THIS IS AKAZAS ROOM!OMG wait where is he i thought as i looked down holy- hes hugging me!is this a dream i think the love potion worked,heh,thats why he was worried for me.Now douma cant steal her-

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING TO AKAZA?!" wait why is daki here?!wait...MUZAN-SAMA?!

"You know  that i can read your thoughts right prea?" Muzan-sama said,i completely forgot about that

"w-well muzan-sama i just woke up and saw that akaza was hugging me-" i tried to explain but douma cutted me off


"is that true prea?"i heard someone talked as i looked down and saw akaza looked shocked

"THATS NOT TRUE!YOU DONT EVEN HAVE PROOF!" I shouted trying to defendmyself

"prea is lying muzan-sama....douma is telling the truth.." THAT BASTARD KOKUSHIBO

"how do you know kokushibo?" muzan asked


"i found this syringe in his room with pink liquid inside..." kokushibo said,muzan looke shocked and turned to me

"is that true prea?dont lie to me" muzan said in a dark tone,i could tell he was angry because it was too visible,welp...

"yes..its true...BUT I JUST WANTED AKAZA TO LOVE ME-!"i got cut off as muzan said

"come to my office tomorrow at 6:00pm if u dont come i wont hesitate to kill you,understand?"

"Yes.."i mumbled

"one more thing,u are forbidden from seeing akaza" and with that muzan walked off

"but thats not fair!"i shouted

as he only got more far away from the room and got teleported somewhere else i dont know like i care anyways pft

Akaza's pov
Whats happening? I cant hear anything....what are they talking about? My head hurts so much- i finished thinking as i passed out the last thiing i heard was douma shouting my name

Douma's pov
He deserved it,hah! i finally got him to confess- wait... akaza?!

"AKAZA!" i screamed his name as daki ran up to him and turned to prea

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" And as expected he didnt response but instead looked down i could hear him sobbing as he walked out of akazas room i ran up to akaza and told daki

"daki im gonna take him to my cult my followers wil treat him there,theyre gonna take care of him okay?dont cry" i said to daki oh how i wish i could crush that piece of shit prea but im probably gonna get scolded by muzan so i didnt do it

"okay...i trust you douma please dont let anything bad happen to him" daki looked at me with tears in her eyes,she really did care for akaza

"i will daki dont worry"i smiled as i carried akaza and exited the infinity fortress to go to my cult

"heh.." i said with a grin as I looked at akaza,gosh hes so cute i could hug him and squeeze him to death but im not gonna do that because he's my soon to be boyfriend

Time skip (at doumas cult)
Heh were finally here now i can have him to myself just gotta make sure my followers are asleep,okay theyre asleep now im just gonna go to my room and take care of akaza,oh how would akaza look like underneath me a moaning/drooling mess while ii thrust into him hard-no douma stop thinking of those thing

"Heh akaza-dono you have no clue whats waiting for you..."

OMG FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER,btw should the next chapter be smut?just comment if you want smut or not by the way guys thanks for the views i cant believe it

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now