chapter 12

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3rd person pov
"Akaza-dono wake up!" Douma tried to wake up akaza, but akaza didn't wanna wake up so he stayed asleep.Douma sighed in frustration as he carried akaza on his shoulder and walked out of his room

"DOUMA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Douma didn't answer and just continued walking until they reached the eternal paradise,akaza looked at douma in confusion.But douma just walked in, luckily no one was awake,since it was too early in the morning

When douma reached his bed room he placed down akaza on his bed,and akaza turned over too tired to care what's going on around him.Douma decided to dress up since his followers are gonna start to wake up any minute.

"Akaza-dono I'm going no- oh.." He smiled a little as he saw akaza sleeping Already.He sighed and went out his room

"this is gonna be another boring day.." He waved at his followers and waited at his throne like pillow,then people started coming inside the room

Time skip
It was already night time and douma had just finished his work for the day.He waved bye at his followers and went inside his room only to see akaza still sleeping

"I wonder what made him so tired that he slept through the whole day?..." He changed into his original clothes

After taking a bath he walked out of the bath room and saw that akaza was awake

"oh you're awake!how was sleep?" Douma didn't looked back nor took a single glance to look at akaza

"huh?-" akaza felt his cheeks heat up,as he just saw a naked douma

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GONNA PUT ON CLOTHES?!" Douma turned at akaza already finished dressing his self up

"why? It's my own room"


Douma just smirked and sat down beside akaza

"hey akaza-dono you wanna go eat some humans? I'm starving!" Douma whined

"yeah sure since I'm hungry too" they walked out the cult and went to go hunt some humans. Luckily they found a woman and a man

"I'll take the man" akaza said too disgusted that he was gonna tell douma to eat the woman

"Okay!" Douma killed the woman in a second and took the body where akaza told him to meet up after killing the humans, he sat in front of akaza and started eating

"the moon looks lovely^^" douma looked at akaza's face, his eyes were glowing because of the moon.He felt His cheeks turn red as he just finished eating his meal

"Hey akaza-dono"

"hm?" Douma turned to akaza

"what would you do if I died?" Akaza looked shocked at his question but decided to be honest and say the truth to douma

"well then I would miss you and I will probably keep your clothes and cry because I remember you" douma liked the answer and just smiled

"well, then I would do the same^^" douma said akaza just giggled a little and they just continued staring at the moon

Douma stood up and so did akaza,douma pulled akaza and hugged him.Akaza liked the fact that douma hugged him and he also enjoys hugs.He buried His face into douma's neck, there was something akaza liked about the hug

It's warmth

New chapter
Fun fact:I stayed up all night doing this chapter and I am now super tired
It's 2:00 am here and I am now gonna sleep so god byee

580 words

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now