chapter 7

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Akaza's pov
Huh? Where am I? I thought as I looked around

"no way.. " I mumbled with a shocked face

"oh! You're awake! How was your sleep?~" that voice.. wait...

"WHO'S THERE?! GET OUT YOU MOTHER FUCKING SCAREDY CAT!" I shouted as someone walked into the room

"awe, you don't recognize your best friends voice? How sad.." Douma said while fake crying

"idc if u cry or not first of all why am I here? Second of all u don't have emotions third of all I'M NOT YOUR BESTFRIEND IDIOT" I said he replied while having a big smile

"Oh! About that actually! You passed out when prea was explaining how he was the one who injected the love potion into you, and I told daki that I'm gonna take you here and my followers will take care of you! ~" I was SHOCKED prea injecting a love potion on me? IS THAT WHY I'VE BEEN FEELING THIS FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS?! And wait did he just say... TAKING CARE OF ME?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!


"well.. It's hard to explain but. I wanted you for myself only! ~" he replied what with this bastard? Is he sick?

"I-" I couldn't even speak I was red

"well! Now your awake let's go back to the infinity fortress now-"


akaza's pov

Well it looks like nakime already did it for us- wait why is DAKI running towards me?

"Akaza! Are you okay? Are u hurt? Tell meee" she said worried I wonder why

"no? Daki why are you so worried? " I replied

"it's nothing and uhhh.. Let's just go to the main platform a meeting is gonna start in 5 minutes" she said while smiling, how- damn her mood changed so fast

"let's go now! " she said as I ran while stuck in my thoughts once I finished we were already here wow damn that was fast, I mean who could I blame im the uppermoons 3 you can't blame my speed

"oh! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! " I heard someone as I turned and saw

"huh? " I said confused "prea?"

"go away prea we don't want you here right akaza?" She said wait what?

"I- uh- y-yeah we don't want you here please go away-" I got cut off as he pulled me and hugged me as he said

"what do you mean akaza?dont you miss me?" He said as his tone darkened I shivered when he said that

"Right! Of course I missed you!" I said why did I say that? That wasn't me. AM I BEING CONTROLLED BY THE LOVE POTION-

"now thats what I like to hear! ;) you wanna go to my room later akaza?" He asked

"of course I'll be there by 12:00! " I replied while smiling

"okay! I'll be waiting for you!" he replied as he turned to leave 

"why did you do that akaza? You weren't supposed to answer him! He manipulated you!" Daki said with worried eyes

"don't worry daki I'm sure nothing bad will happen! Now let's go to the meeting platform now!" I replied

"okay.." She said while walking with me to the main platform

"Hey akaza are you okay now?" Gyutaro said as he walked up to me with kaigaku on his side

"yeah im fine i guess.. Why is everyone worried about me? What is happening?" I asked confused while they looked at me except koku, daki and douma because daki is talking to douma about I don't know why would I even mind their own business

"Muzan-sama has arrived" nakime said as we all bowed in front of him as he said

"where is prea? I need to talk to him tomorrow,anyways you guys don't have any mission until next week because of this drama I don't think u guys are gonna focus on the missions and I don't want u guys to die because I will need yall to fight and kill the demon slayer corps, understand?" He finished as we all nodded

"you are all dismissed" he once said as he teleported

"hey akaza! Are u still going to my room later? " prea said as he asked

"yeah why? " I asked when he already know I'll be going

"nothing! I'm just making sure!"
He said as he turned to walk away but I noticed him glaring at douma when he passed him? What the hell? Anyways I'm gonna sleep for now it's still 4:00 pm anyways

Yay I finally updated once again! Im not sure if I'm going to end this story but I still have alot of chapter ideas going on mind so I won't end it yet

804 words

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now