chapter 9

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Will have spicy scenes (maybe smut too?) Read to find out btw akaza is a boy again since the demon that made him a girl died

After the games (im too lazy to write all those) the only ones awake were me and douma everyone else was asleep to tired,then i felt someone hug me and I knew it was douma because hes the only one who is always clinging onto me.I felt him blow on
On my neck

"Douma get off me!" i
whispered shouted

"aww but akazaa~ i want youu~" he whined i blushed at his words and he saw it.Well shit

"ooo ur blushing akaza~" he said while

"im not now get off me-MMF!" My moan was muffled as he started to make out with me,he grabbed my crotch then i gasped,he used that perfect chance to slide his long ass tounge into my mouth

"mmf~" my moan was muffled,phew thank god because if it wasnt the others would have been awaked.He slide down his hands onto my chest and started playing with my nipples he broke the kiss and said

"lets go to my room shall we?" He said as he carried me and brought me to his room.he pushed me onto the bed and started to take off my sleeveless haori as he started leaving hickeys on my chest,collarbone,and neck

"ngh~ more~" i moaned

"my my~ impatient today are we? I wanna fuck you so hard but i will be gentle for ur first time" he said i was kinda annoyed but that went away as he started to jack me off

"AH~S-SLOW DOWNG NGH!~" i screamed as he fastened his pace

"gosh good thing my room is sound proof or else the others would have heard you" he said

"ngh~ ah~ please!" I begged

"please what?" He replied

"PLEASE JUST NGH~ FUCK ME ALREADY!~" i begged moree and more until he stopped jacking me off

"fine since ur impatient ill fuck you but remember i wont be gentle next time~" he said as he undid his belt and his dick was standing straight and Proudly,i screamed as he pounded into me straight away but then started to slow down

"dont tease!come on!" I shouted i was annoyed at the fact he started to slow down

"i want you to beg first~" he said

"no way i will never do that-" i got cut off as he said

"or maybe i could slice ur dick off right now-"

"Fine!" I gulped as i said

"please douma! Fuck me so hard i will start to shake-AH!~" i moaned as he slammed into me and started to pound onto me,he was slamming onto me so hard i swear on muzan i was seeing god

"AH~ NGH~ MF~ HA~" was all i could say because he was pounding onto me carelessly

"yes akaza~ stay nice and tight around my cock like this~" douma said i was a moaning mess,my eyes were rolled up i had drool all over my face i was a mess he turned me over my stomach and started punding again while jacking me off,pinching my right nipple and leaving hickeys on any spot he could reach,i was in pure bliss i couldnt even form a word nor say anything all i could do was moan then i felt something building in my stomach

"i-im ah~ c-cumming! Ngh~!" I warned him as he started pounding into me much more harshly

"i want you to hold ur climax for as long as you can,and if u dont youll be punished" he had a dark tone when he said punished,i nodded rapidly just wanting to get this over with,it was hard trying to hold my cum because he kept slamming his hips onto me

"douma please! Just let me cum!" I begged and begged tears were forming on my eyes as he just looked at me with a straight face while still pounding i shivered then he said

"you can cum now since you've been a good boy~" after he said that i came,i came so hard that it was everywhere douma came after 3 more thrusts

"well that was fun" was the last thing i heard before i blacked out

Douma's pov
"Well that was fun" i said then i looked at him

"oops!did i go to rough?welp looks like i didnt keep my word of being gentle!well i dont care.Im so dirty im gonna clean him with me while his still asleep" i said as I carried him onto the bathroom and placed him on the tub i started cleaning him while hes still asleep

"god hes such a heavy sleeper" i said as i turned off the bathtub dressed the both of us and cleaned the room as i went to bed with him as i looked at his face and said

"Gosh your so beautiful akaza,thats why i love you"


849 words omg

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