chapter 13 (ending)

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Smut ending (bad smut)
Short and rushed chapter
Fixed some spelling errors

Random pov
"Hey akaza-dono...." douma mumbled as he looked at his lover talking to kaigaku "yes?" The pinkette replied "do you still love me?:<" akaza just sighed and mumbled "here we go again..." he turned to look at douma and kaigaku just walked away

"Douma...of course i do!now stop whining!" Douma grinned again and carried akaza on his shoulder "WHAT- DOUMA PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!" Douma just giggled and he took akaza to his room and placed him on the bed

Akaza was confused on what was happening but it all clicked into his head when douma started to undress "h-hey cant we do this another time?" Akaza stuttered,he froze when douma glared at him so he just accepted it.While akaza was lost in thoughts he felt something slap him

He turned to look and saw that it was douma's big ass dick.He gulped and thought 'how is that gonna fit-' his thoughts got interrupted by douma pulling his hair and said "suck" akaza just opened his mouth and douma grabbed his hair once again and started to pound his dick into akaza's mouth (damn i feel bad)

Akaza chocked and hot tears started streaming down his eyes "aww~ dont cry dear~ ill make sure you also feel good~" akaza gagged and that sent vibrates on douma's dick

Tim skip
After 10 minutes douma finally came inside akaza's mouth,and akaza made sure to gulp all of it,he started to cough becaus the semens was too much to drink.Douma pushed akaza on the bed and started to make out with him while also undressing akaza

Douma bit akaza's lip,akaza then gasped and douma slid in his tounge and started to explore his lover's mouth,he started to suck on akaza's tounge while akaza was moaning already just from this.Douma then pulled away and that left akaza a panting mess,he felt his legs get spreaded apart and so he looked down only to see douma grinning

He didnt even got a chancd to talk befoire douma started suck akaza's dick "d-douma~ ngh~!" Akaza was left a moaning mes by all of the pleasure he was receiving and another pleasure got added because douma stucked in two of his fingers iside akaza's hole

Akaza gasped he gripped on the sheets while throwing his head back.He then soon felt his orgasm coming so he tried to warn douma,but douma went faster not giving any chance for akaza to talk.Akaza then came with a moan

He started to pant but douma flipped him so he's now laying down in his stomach.Akaza got flustered at the position he was in and douma only made it worse "akaza dear~ you're rather loose~ did you masturbate?~" akaza was about to answer but he screamef when douma started to pound into him rapidly.He had his eyes rolled back so far his iris was almost at his brain,he was drooling while moaning,he gripped the sheets so hard that his knuckles turned white

"D-douma slow dow- AH~ r-right ther- MH~ AH~" douma started to pound on akaza's sweet spot that left his mind blurry,he couldnt even think straight anymore "akaza-dono~ im cumming!" Douma warned akaza as douma's thrusts began to get sloppy,akaza felt himself also cumming

After a few more thrusts they both came at the same time,akaza finally had the chance to breath but he cant talk since his voice was so hoarse if he talks it hurts his throat.He felt himself being carried guessing that it was douma.A few minutes later he felt him self got placed inside a bathtub,he laid his head on douma's chest before he drifted off to sleep and mumbling

"I love you douma..."

"I love you too~..."

Douma chuckled and just dressed both theirself before cleaning the bed and drifting off to sleep while grinning

He was glad akaza loved him back

Hola this is the ending and the smut part is rushed and there might be spelling mistakes

679 words

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now