chapter 2

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Akaza's pov
Ughh I'm so fricking bored,should I hang out with someone? But who,hm
Douma? NOPE NO WAY ID RATHER DIE THAN HANG OUT WITH HIM,I'll just hang out with prea I guess I finished thinking as I got out of bed and went out of my bedroom. now where is prea?

Oh there she is I thought as I quickly ran up to her

"hey prea!" I said

"oh hey akaza!" She replied

"you wanna hang out tonight? " I asked I'm hoping she would say because if not-

"YES OF COURSE! " she yelled while smiling brightly well that was weird

"okay let's go but where do u wanna go?" I asked

"well daki said we could go with her" oh no please don't tell me were going to-


dang it

"sure let's go"

"nah ah uh you are not going there looking like that, follow me!"

no please no.

3rd person pov

Prea finished making akaza look like human he now has black hair, blue eyes and a dojo outfit (basically like his human past self)

Prea finished making akaza look like human he now has black hair, blue eyes and a dojo outfit (basically like his human past self)

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Prea's pov
"OMG you look amazing!"

Okay not gonna lie but I think I have a huge crush on him now, ill make sure douma won't take akaza

"now you just need a human name.. Hmm. How about hakuji?" I asked

"sure that sounds okay" he replied

"okay let's go now!" Tbh I really like going there because a lot of rich people are there, yeah i only kill rich people

At entertainment district

Akaza's pov
Tbh I really don't like it here

"prea there it is, thats where daki is"

"sure let's go!"

Okay now we're here where is daki

"let's look around prea" I said

"good idea"

Time skip

Akaza's pov (still)
There is literally not any human here

"prea let's go upstairs"

"AKAZA UR MAKE UP AND CONTACTS IS GONE AND UR CLOTHES WHY IS IT BACK TO THAT" she asked shocked why I don't look human any more

"well I didn't like it that much plus there is no human here, now let's just go upstairs"



Still akaza's pov
Why do I hear a strong scent in that big room, and plus the scents are so familiar wait... THAT'S DOUMA SCENT AND THE OTHER UPPER MOONS

"hey uhm prea I think we should just go somewhere else-"

DANG IT Shes already going to the room welp I hate my life, as soon as I was about to go I literally bumped into someone and it's DOUMA NO WAY NO PLEASE I HOPE THIS IS A DREAM

"hey akaza-dono~ didn't know u were here I thought prea is the one only gonna go" he said god his voice is so hot-NO NOPE

"uhm actually yeah uhm prea is supposed to go here she just invited me-" I said as I got cut off

"okay DOUMA me and akaza are going into the room so will u get out the door?" She asked I could tell she was mad but why?

"Lets just go prea" I could tell she was glaring at someone but who? Meh its probably none of my business but ima just go to the room, Gosh stop thinking akaza

Douma's pov
That prea bitch who does she think she is? Taking my akaza just like that like she owns him? She will pay just because muzan-sama placed her in the same spot as me. Ugh I have never felt this feeling before what is this? Mad ? Upset? Or maybe...


Lol gotta update later I have class or tomorrow idk and sorry if there are misspelling this story is so bad lmao


𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now