chapter 3

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Time line:next day after the hang out

Akaza's pov
Why am i so hungry?I LITERALLY JUST ATE.Guess i gtg eat more ugh
I thought as i went outside my room went outside of the infiny fortress and went inside the forest to find some human.Huh?wait is that a demon wait lemme just check

"Hey who are you?"i asked annoyed because he was eating a girl

"its none of ur business!" He finished his meal as he stand up

"hey get out-" i got cut off because he used his blood demon art on me and then a i passed out


Akaza pov
What the hell SHIT THE SUN gotta go quick! I barely made it back and why does my chest feel heavy? WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE BOOBS?WHY AM I A FRICKING GIRL IS IT BECAUSE OF THE DEMON EARLIER?! Fuck i gotta go avoid douma and try to find daki for some clothes *sigh* oh theres her room *knock knock*

"hey daki i was just wondering if u have clothes since a blood dmon"i finished as i looked in shock WHAT THE HELL IS DOUMA AND WHO THE HELL IS THAT OTHER BOY WAIT DONT TELL ME THATS PREA?!

"Uhm actually daki i dont need clothes anymore" i said awkwardly

"akaza-dono? Why are u a girl? Did u transform yourself into a girl for me?~" he grinned

"what? WHY THE HELL WOULD I DO THAT URGH GET OUT you too prea sorry!"i shouted but changed while talking to prea

"ok akaza!~" well now that only me and daki are here im gonna ask her for clothes

"Now daki can i borrow some clothes-"

She shouted as she dragged me and why does my head hurt i feel like i got injected by somethiing (she got injected by prea on chap 1)

Douma's pov
Akaza-dono as a girl?This day couldnt get any better,now im CRAVING her more~ now i just gotta get rid of that stalker because he know damn well shes mine just you wait akaza you will be mine someday~ hehe.

Prea's pov
AKAZA AS A GIRL?THIS IS SO GREAT AND PLUS NOW IM A BOY I CAN ATTRACT HIM NOW hehe akaza you look so good i could eat you right now~ thats why I stalk you but i didn't know u would turn in a girl now let me just go back to my room and finish torturing that girl i captured earlier hehe~ akazaaa ~ ill make sure to taste you~ fuck i got hard

Muzan pov
I just finished reading doumas and preas mind and i am traumatized for ever

Akaza pov
"Uhm daki i think this is too tight-ACK" i screamed in pain

"dont worry akaza this is not tight enough!" She replied


Hey i see ya there🤨
Sorry this was short cant think of anything else lmao

𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now