chapter 5

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Timeline:after the hangout with prea

Akaza's pov

"Thanks for the fun time prea" i said with a smile

"no problem akaza!come to me whenver you like!"he finished god thats why i like him so muchh and hes not like douma,doumas a JERK

"o-oh uh uhm sure prea!"shit i stuttered

"haha anytime akaza now see yo-" he got cut off as he got thrown to the other side of the forest

"what the hell?!.PREA!" I shouted hoping he was okay i ran up to her but a hand was placed over my mouth

"MMF!" i said trying to talk but didnt work i looked up and saw...KOKUSHIBO?! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?! AND WHY ARE THE UPPERMOONS HERE?!

"akaza stop strughling.."he said

"MMFFF!?" PREA! THAT BASTARD DOUMA I HATE HIM! I was experiencing my crush getting stomped,punched etc by douma i elbowed kokushibo and tried to go prea and help him but i got pulled again by kokushibo

"GET OFF ME!" And that was enough to make douma to stop his rampage. FINALLY THAT BASTARD STOPPED

"prea!are u okay?!"i said running up to him


i was seeing red but also felt...bad? Why do i feel bad?plus i hate him i carried prea and went back to the infinity fortress only to find the uppermoons back

"tsk.."i said

as i went to my room and placed bandages on prea and cuddled with him as i drifted off to sleep

"i love you prea.."i finished as i went to sleep

Douma's pov

What?!FIRST PREA STOLE MY AKAZA AND NOW CUDDLING WITH HIM?! AKAZA EVEN SAID I LOVE YOU TO PREA!WHATS NEXT PREA FUCKING HIM?!OH IM NOT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN.I reallly need to get rid of prea or else ill be taking akaza my own way hes mine and no one else.Prea i wish you die a painful one I hate you so much i hate you I HATE YOU okay calm down self imma just go to the main platform,there it is

"hey daki..."i mumbled not smiling i could tell that kinda creeped her out but meh who cares

"oh hey douma are you feeling fine now?"she replied

"no i just saw prea cuddling akaza.OH HOW I WISH THAT I COULD CRUSH HIS SKULL"she freaked out when i said that

"okayyyy so ur not okay and wait.PREA IS CUDDLING AKAZA?! NO WAY"she said shocked finding out that prea was cuddling akaza

"wait what?! That bastard-,we really need to get rid of that love potion."

kaigaku said mad at prea i mean who wouldn't be?

"Yeah that prea gotta go!"gyutaro finished yeah he gotta go he needs to go or im getting rid of him myself

"Tsk akaza just you wait and see ur gonna be mine soon and prea just you wait.."

Lol sorry this was short i gtg sleep now


𝗛𝗲'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲 - Douma x Akaza Where stories live. Discover now