17. who the fuck is madmax!?

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<•—•> "Hurry up, Steven Harrington!" Samantha yelled from the living room. "I'm already late! The boys are gonna start without me!" She whined.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. I'm coming." Steve rolled his eyes at his sister's childish antics before motioning for her to lead the way. She mock-saluted him and started to march out the door.

"Can I—"

"No, you cannot drive. We've established the fact almost fifty times, Sam." Steve sighed as he got into the driver's side of his car.

"Ugh. Boring." Samantha rolled her eyes, turning on the radio to listen to some music. As they went, she screamed along to the lyrics, nodding her head.

"WE'RE HERE," Steve yelled, not getting Samantha's attention.

"Oh. Thanks, Stevie!" As she got out of the car, she turned around to the rolled-down window. "By the way, I may or may not have taken most of your quarters! Bye." She waved as she ran towards the entrance of the arcade while Steve yelled at her to come back.

"Bitch." He yelled as loud as he could before rolling the window back up and driving away, shaking his head.

Samantha ran towards the arcade games, running straight towards the Dragon's Lair, one of the group's favorite games.

The group was already playing, surrounding Dustin as they yelled at him to play properly.

"Hey!" She yelled, trying to get the boys' attention. They continued to yell at Dustin. Will turned and smiled at Samantha.

"Hey, Sam." Will grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to the group. She pulled Will into a side hug, smiling as she stared at the game.

"Hey, Willy. How ya feeling?" She questioned, turning to look at his face.

"Okay." He shrugged before turning back towards Dustin and watching him play. Samantha nudged him lightly.

"That's good!" Will shrugged again before looking at the game again.

"Shut up!" Dustin yelled. Samantha stared at the screen as he made it towards the sword. He went to use it but was blasted with fire from the dragon's mouth.

"No! No! No! No!" Dustin yelled as his character turned into bones and fell into a heap on the floor.

"I hate this overpriced bullshit!" He slammed the game as he yelled profanities.

"Maybe you just suck." Samantha shrugged. Dustin stared at her with hatred.

"Betrayer!" He yelled at her.

"You're just not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day." Lucas patted Dustin's shoulder. "But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine!" He said with a grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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