15. chocolate pudding

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<•—•> Samantha's leg shook anxiously as she waited for any of the others to come back inside the gym. Hopper had immediately made the number one rule to not leave the gymnasium. Mike quickly got up and Eleven's head fell off his shoulder. She looked at him questioningly before turning her head and laying it on Samantha's shoulder. 

"Nancy! Johnathan!" Mike yelled outside. He opened the door with a loud bang and rushed towards the group.

"They're gone," Samantha said before he could. He looked at her confused.

"How did you know that?" Mike asked.

"Because they were planning on leaving the whole time. They have a plan. A good one because I helped them." Samantha flipped her hair and smiled triumphantly.

"Why didn't you tell any of us?" Mike asked.

"Because I didn't have to."

"We could've hel—"

"By standing there? You don't even know the plan."

"You always do this."

"There's no way all of us could've gone with and all of us would've come back. It wasn't possible."

"We could've tried!"

"What do you mean 'I always do this?" Samantha backtracked, rolling her eyes.

"You always keep things out of the group!" Mike yelled.

"Are you kidding me!? I keep things from the group? I tell you guys everything!" She yelled back.

"Oh, do you? What about when you went to my house with Nancy and Johnathan? What was that?" Mike asked and Samantha paled.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She denied.

"Oh, please. I heard you say you didn't want me to know. Why not!?" Mike continued to yell at her.

"Because I-" She cut herself off.

"You what? Really, I'm curious!"

"I was scared! That you and Lucas would be mad at me. I didn't want you to be mad so I tried to stay away from you. And look! I was right. You are mad at me!" Samantha looked down at her shoes, willing herself not to cry.

"I didn't want to be pushed out of the friend group." She added at the end.

"Sam..." Mike sighed, feeling guilty.

"It doesn't matter. You can yell at me all you want but I did what was right." Samantha got up, Eleven's head falling off her shoulder just like it did with Mike's.

"Hey!" Eleven sighed before sitting straight and putting her head in her hands. Samantha ran as fast as she could outside the school. She leaned against the wall and started to cry.

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