7. the death of barbara holland

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<•—•> Samantha groaned as she woke up in an uncomfortable bed. She looked around and saw the plain white walls.

"What the fuck?" Samantha questioned. All of a sudden, a large group of friends, family and police officers popped up and she screamed. They all moved back except for Mike and Steve, who grabbed Samantha's hands.

"Hey, it's okay," Steve reassured.

"Right." She nodded her head before pushing herself up so she could sit up.

"Are you okay?" Dustin asks.

"Yeah. I mean, I feel fine. What happened?" She asked.

"You don't remember?" Steve questioned.

"Um, I remember Callahan and Powell asked me to come with them. That's about it." She summed up.

"Sam. The whole town heard your scream." Nancy shakily said.

"Scream? What?" Samantha looked utterly confused.

"Yeah. You were interrogated because of Barbara's disappearance and then you said there was some ringing in your ears? Then, you screamed and the whole school's glass shattered and you had a bloody nose. Then, you passed out." Steve recapped. As he explained, small flashbacks came back. She saw Barbara getting killed by the Demogorgon.

"Can everyone leave except Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, please?" Sam asked. Everyone nodded their head except Steve.

"I'm not going anywhere." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Steve. This is important."

"If it's so important you can tell me too."

"That's the thing. I can't tell you."


"Please." Sam sighed. Steve hesitated before letting out a groan.

"Five minutes. Then, I'm coming back in." He looked at the four kids suspiciously. As he left the boys looked at Sam.

"I saw another vision." She told them.

"Yeah, we figured." Lucas nodded.

"But, it was worse. And it was of Barbara."


"I saw her. In the upside down. She was trying to escape. But the Demogorgon, it got her. It killed her." She explained, tears streaming down her face.

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