4. Shock

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"Oh god!" Maxi stammered as she looked around for anyway to help as the patients hurried around to help, grabbing their weapons-


Maxi shrieked as the window to her right suddenly burst through, shattering shards that thankfully missed her but something massive with thick black fur and blazing red eyes snarled hungrily at her, trying to squeeze through the much smaller window.



"MILADY! PLEASE GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS AND WALLS!" Ruth snapped, dragging Maxi away a knight used his sword to bury it in the creatures parted muzzle, killing it instantly but they dragged a large shelf to stand in front of it. The snarls never faded away, growing closer and the sound of heavy scratching on the walls and windows and Garrow still jerking against the door as a werewolf tried to break it down. Maxi's heart thundered in terror in her chest, sweat running down like cold rain but gritting her teeth, clutching her palms together as she eyed Garrow struggling as the bolts on the door were weakening and he snarled.


Maxi clutched her palms and hurrying away from Ruth who shouted at her, Maxi ran at the door despite Garrow shouting in horror but Maxi pressed her palms against the wooden door, feeling the earth of the ground beneath her feet and willing it to move.


Her skin prickled hotly at the sensation of magic slipping through her, dragging mounds of earth and sand up and a yelp of surprise as the door jolted harshly but Maxi stepped back warily as did Garrow but the door looked taut and still and no light flickering through.

"T-that will hold us f-for a-a bit!" Maxi snapped, still clinging to the mana holding it up and turned to Ruth desperately. "What d-do we do now?"

"Nothing! We have to wait!" Ruth shook his head, glancing out the window quickly but frowned as he tilted his head slightly. "It's...quiet now." Everyone held their breaths warily, as if waiting for the hope to be dashed but minutes passed quickly and there was the sound of voices and heavy feet running around nearby and-

"Any survivors!" Followed by three bangs and Garrow nodded in relief as he banged on the door three times.

"We're in here!" Maxi loosened her grip with mana and the wall outside the door she heard hiss as the earth dropped and smoothed out and Garrow, clutched the door knob, slowly pushing it open and peeking out only to sigh in relief as he slipped out and looked back to Maxi. "It's safe Milady." Maxi breathed a shocked sigh of relief as she followed Garrow and the other soldiers warily outside into the courtyard. Several Remdragon Knights she could see wandering around, dragging five massive black werewolves towards a cart and chucking them on it. The ground was stained in random grotesque patches and some shapes were laid with slight movement and struggling as they bore their wounds. Maxi felt the blood drain from her face in terror and shock at what just happened.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" A squire beside Maxi snapped, glancing around in shock. "How the hell did werewolves get this far in? What about the town?"

"We have no idea." Sir Elliot Karon muttered darkly, blood trickling down from his temple but he appeared completely fine otherwise, just glaring at the mounds of werewolves. "They appeared on the training grounds when the horses started to freak out unnaturally. We've sent troops down to the city to a sweep but..." Elliott frowned tersely. "Nothing has been heard about werewolves so I have no idea how they got in."

Ruth scratched his head in confusion but his gaze was sharp as he nodded and turned to Maxi who was staring in shock and fury at the sight. "Milady, we need everything we can get-"

"On it!" Maxi snapped and quickly ran back into the infirmary, grabbing everything they needed, including the new vial she had made.


There were no deaths.

But close calls.

Maxi could breathe a sigh of relief as the sight of sunrise was peeking through in the midnight blue darkness. Exhaustion clouded her mind but she had to care for a handful of patients who were in real bad shape. But word came back from the town-

"What's the report?" Sir Karon spoke as the knights dropped down from their horses and Maxi approached, ignoring their polite bows of their heads.

"Nothing sir." Karon's brow furrowed and Maxi looked at him confused. "There are no signs of werewolves in the town. A sweep through was made, there is nothing. And all guards on patrol, no one saw anything."

"The hell..." Elliot's face darkened further as Maxi glanced around warily, shuddering at the sight of shadows that felt far too sinister.

"C-could there b-be more-"

"No." Karon shook his head. "We found five. That is odd as there is usually more but they wouldn't be hiding, not here. Not in unfamiliar territory and the fact they got here, this far without notice is..." Elliot frowned further as he turned to the knights. "Anything moves, anything suspicious, eyes out! Double patrols immediately!"

"Yes sir!"

"Milady," Karon turned to Maxi who tensed warily. "Please go to your quarters and rest. You need to gather up your energy for the wounded. I'll have knights stationed outside your room in case." Maxi wanted to argue against going to sleep but when her eyes fell on the infirmary with the twenty or so injured knights and soldiers, she knew better. She was exhausted. Her mana was drained now and she was no use with little sleep in her. Maxi nodded tightly and Karon sighed in relief as he turned to a soldier. "Escort the lady to her rooms and stand guard at all costs! The lady is not to leave your sights at all!" The guard bowed tersely and Maxi hesitantly glanced back but at Karon's urging look, Maxi turned and followed the guard, feeling guilty for leaving them behind to work.

As they passed the castle door and inside the castle walls, Maxi could see nothing out of place but servants wandered around, speaking in terror and-

"My lady!" Maxi flinched at the sharp cry and turned to a couple of young maids, Rudis amongst them and Maxi was relieved to see them all well and unharmed but their faces were drained of colour and the terror was clear in their faces as they came towards.

"I-I am glad y-you are all w-well."

"My lady, are we safe?"

"What happened? How is this possible?"

"Are there more hiding-"

"N-no, there are no more m-monsters. The Knights and soldiers are...on a-alert, you are s-safe. But if y-you see anything o-odd at all, pl-please let someone know." The guard huffed in annoyance and Maxi flinched, turning around and waving to the ladies. "E-everything is g-going to be o-okay." Maxi turned around and followed the guard upstairs, down the hallways to her bedchambers, so ready for sleep. "T-thank you f-for escorting me." Maxi was too tired to look at the guard as she opened her door, slipping right through and closed it behind her-

Only for a hand to clamp down on her face.

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